Tuesday, December 15, 2020

PEC Challenge: Grateful Deli

 You may have noticed a drastic downtick in my PEC posts and that is because around 4-5 weeks ago I caught COVID. (I've used instacart to deliver my groceries for my 50 states sandwich challenges)  I didn't really want to make a big deal of it and honestly wasn't even going to mention it.  I guess the feeling surrounding catching this thing at this point nine months into it is "you aren't being careful enough."  Well, fuck that.  Here was my experience with it.  I didn't really get much sleep the weekend of November 13th.  I drank outside at my friends barn and then proceeded to play golf in 50 degree weather Sunday and Monday morning.  Predictibly, I was pretty worn out Tuesday but felt more fatigued than usual.  Weird.  Took my temperature and had a fever of 100.4.  Sweet, that's what I get for hanging out outside in the cold three days straight.  This continued for three days until I lost smell and taste over the weekend.  An extra garlicky pasta and meatball Tupperware dinner on Sunday night dropped off by my mom started to restore these functions and my fever was gone.  Still felt weird through Thanksgiving and then got two negative tests in a row exactly two weeks after my symptoms presented.  Other than being gripped by anxiety over long term effects on my cardiovascular system or committing mass murder upon leaving the house, I felt pretty back to normal three weeks after symptoms. And now I'm back on the pork roll beat and will be posting three this week starting with this one. So I guess I should be grateful that my immune system was able to handle COVID.  But this deli is not grateful in the way you think.  It is entirely committed to paying tribute to the band The Grateful Dead.  Pictures of the band and fellow dead heads are all over the walls.  It's off the beaten path, right outside the Asbury city limits in Loch Arbour about 4 blocks from the beach.  It's a solid spot and would highly recommend.  What I would not recommend is catching COVID.  0/10 on the experience both mentally and physically. Being stuck inside all winter might be for the best but the minor inconvenience of staying in and watching Netflix is taking away the thing I love to do most; living.  So you might see me make some outrageously long trips for pork rolls in the coming weeks to so I can keep some semblance of my sanity. Buckle up because its about to get real weird. 

Bread Rating: 7.2/10 (A pretty standard hard roll.)

Pork Roll Rating: 7.6/10 (Pretty thick-cut slices here and a ton of it.  Flavor was good, maybe needed another minute on the grill)

Egg Rating: 6.9/10 (Very cheesy egg, but unfortunately not much of it.)

Cheese Rating: 7.4/10 (A lot of cheese in this one as you can see, in between the slices and mixed in with the egg.)

Sandwich Composition: 7.1/10 (A standard composition with the egg on top of the mountain of pork roll.  Will never complain about extra cheese. A little ketchup heavy.)

Overall: 7.24/10 (Solid PEC spot right next to Deal Lake, about 4 blocks from the beach.)

Price: $5.75

Grateful Deli is located at 541 Main St, Loch Arbour, NJ 07711

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