Friday, December 4, 2020

50 States Sandwich Challenge: Idaho

 Idaho may be known for their potatoes, Napoleon Dynamite, and boasting a college football field with entirely blue turf (Boise State) but none of those things factor into their state sandwich.  I, admittedly, know next to nothing about Idaho.  It's a mystery land, I think purposefully, rich in an outdoors culture that would seem pretty foreign to most of my East Coast Metropolitan followers.  A common sight in the mountains of Idaho is huckleberries, so popular in the state that in 2000 they were named the state fruit.  The huckleberry is considered a finicky fruit, as it only grows between 2,000 and 6,000 feet and can take up to 15 years to yield mature berries for consumption.  Idahoans (and the substantial bear population of the region) have been loading up on the fruit every July and August (huckleberry season) since humans first arrived in the area 14,000 years ago.  Multi-day huckleberry festivals happen in almost every town and city in Idaho, usually in the first or second week of August, and are a component of many foods and drink from pies to cocktails.  Today, however, we will be using a huckleberry jam (which I had shipped from Idaho, no big deal) to make the classic American sandwich, the peanut butter and jelly (in this case peanut butter and huckleberry jam). This summer treat has been gracing lunches since the original Lewis and Clark expedition came through Idaho in 1806 so I guess you can call it a pretty iconic sandwich to Idaho.  I don't really know, I did about 30 minutes of research on this so if anyone from Idaho wants to chime in, now is your shot.  Another really easy sandwich for those still following along. The huckleberry jam was a little sweeter than your typical jelly you'd find in a PB&J but ultimately, this tasted like a regular PB&J to me.  Not the sexiest sandwich but still a classic.


Wonder Bread

Peanut Butter

Huckleberry Jam 

1. Spread peanut butter on both sides of the bread.

2. Spread the huckleberry jam on both sides of the bread.

3. Put the bread together and now you have a sandwich. 

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