Tuesday, January 26, 2021

PEC Challenge: Bagel International

Get ready folks because I have about nine pork rolls that I'm about to dump on your heads in the next few weeks.  So if you missed the PEC's and are sick of looking at sandwiches without pork roll on them this is your time.  Bagel International is right on Main Street in Bradley Beach, about five blocks from the beach.  With flags from about 20 countries and a tag line of "Everything On A Bagel", you can literally get whatever you can think of and put it on a bagel sandwich.  We can save those options for another time like maybe when I've eaten all the available PEC's in the state of NJ (5% complete, by the way, moving faster than the government can vaccinate us, no big deal.) Until then, we are continuing on.  Two more PECs this week, a Brennan's ranked at the end of the week, and a special Kansas sized sandwich coming this weekend (because I don't have a smoker to use during the week). 

Bread Rating: 7.8/10 (Very solid bagel. Fluffy inside, perfectly toasted outside.  Not internationally imported though as the name suggests.) 

Pork Roll Rating: 7.6/10 (Thinly sliced pork roll, which might not seem like a lot in the picture but the full flavor was definitely there.)

Egg Rating: 7.9/10 (Hidden in the cheese is a very good fried egg.  Thinking the griddle here might have been internationally seasoned.)

Cheese Rating: 6.8/10 (Pretty average cheese, melted on the bottom, and the top ticks up the score.)

Sandwich Composition: 7.5/10 (A really nicely put together sandwich.  No slide, which is typical of bagels, and the SPK ratio was right on.)

Overall Rating: 7.52/10 (Another excellent Jersey Shore pork roll, no bias here as a Shore resident but all of these "beach" PEC's have been good.)

Price: $6

Bagel International is located at 48 Main St, Bradley Beach, NJ 07720

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