Monday, February 1, 2021

PEC Challenge: Amazing Bagels and Deli

Hope everyone is enjoying their snow day.  I know I will enjoy the next few days as I continue to empty my PEC backlog.  The good news is, thanks to loyal reader Dr. Johnny Mac, a smoker solution has been found and some homemade Kansas City brisket will be appearing on the blog in the near future! Other than that, the Brennan's ranked, and the next top NJ sandwich blogs will have to be delayed. (I know you're all in tears over it.) There's a place not too far away from my house called "Amazing Bagels" so they must have amazing bagels right?  Wrong.  They were pretty average.  Speaking of things nicknamed "amazing" and not actually being amazing, the New York Mets are back in financial news, this time for having an owner that's TOO rich.  That's right, our savior, Steve Cohen, bailed out some of his hedge fund buddies last week to the tune of $2 BILLION.  All you can do is laugh as a Mets fan at this point.  Madoff/Wilpon Ponzi schemes didn't bring down the team but a group of Reddit nerds sticking it to the finance suits with GameStop just might do the trick! I have no idea what I'm talking about when it comes to stonks and really finance in general so I'll stop here. My simpleton brain is just really looking forward to yet another rollercoaster season with my favorite band of misfits, the New York Mets. #LGM

Bread Rating: 6.6/10 (Bagels here were just OK, pretty soft, no toast.  Not a great look when you're named Amazing Bagels.)

Pork Roll Rating: 6.8/10 (Three slices, thin-sliced.  Your average helping.)

Egg Rating: 5.8/10 (Barely any egg. Maybe a little too overdone, unevenly distributed, well get to that on composition.)

Cheese Rating: 6.6/10 (A typical single slice of American yellow.)

Sandwich Composition: 5.8/10 (Have to knock off points here for how uneven this sandwich was.  70% of the egg was on just one side of the sandwich.  Heavy ketchup may have contributed to the slide.  Hilariously, they provided around 15 packets of ketchup in the bag. Nah dude, I think you've done enough.)

Overall Rating: 6.3/10 (Despite some errors, this wasn't a horrible PEC.  Just a below-average one.) 

Price: $4.50

Amazing Bagels and Deli is located at 1598 NJ-35, Ocean Township, NJ 07712

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