Wednesday, February 24, 2021

PEC Challenge: Zack's Deli

Allow me to paint a picture for you.  This is a scene that you will only get in the state of New Jersey so strap the fuck in.  You move to Manalapan, NJ from Staten Island, NY because you enjoy the view of million-dollar McMansions ruining the picturesque rolling hills of centuries-old farmland.  Maybe you own a construction or sanitation business and no one is going to tell you you're going to take off that Addidas sweatsuit you've been wearing since 1997.  You've been up since 4am hacking bodies trees and wacking enemies weeds and you are getting hungry.  The only logical step is to head to your local deli to grab a breakfast sandwich and a coffee, right? Enter, Zack's Deli, a working man's deli, your deli. You and all your buddies subordinates pile into your 1998 Ford Explorer and you park in the beautiful strip mall built by the suburban gods as you yell out your favorite deli worker's name.  Inside, there are speakers, usually reserved for events such as Christenings and Weddings, but oh no, every day is a Sweet 16 in Manalapan and these speakers are inside your deli blasting Mexican love ballads at 9am.  Life could literally never get better.  This is the scene I walked into when I drove to Zack's Deli in Manalapan and let me tell you, I was blown away.  I really didn't care what the pork roll, egg, and cheese I was about to eat tasted like because I was just feeling so blessed to have had this experience first hand.  Dreams always come true in the state of New Jersey. 

Bread Rating: 6.8/10 (Average roll you'd find at any supermarket.)

Pork Roll Rating: 6.9/10 (Some good snap and char, 2 medium cut slices.)

Egg Rating: 6.4/10 (Decent fried egg but didn't cover the entire sandwich.)

Cheese Rating: 6.5/10 (Standard slice of American yellow.)

Composition: 6.8/10 (This is a bodega PEC through and through.  Low cost, keep it moving, take it, or fucking leave it.)

Overall Rating: 6.68/10 (Not bad, not good, go for the experience I've detailed above.)

Price: $3.50 

Zack's Deli is located at 73 Wilson Ave, Manalapan, NJ 07726

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