Monday, February 22, 2021

50 States Sandwich Challenge: Maine

With yet another winter storm burying my car, last week was a wash with getting to the grocery store, which is why I am bringing you last week's state sandwich today, on Monday. And I'm glad I am because this week will now be known as crustacean week (coincidentally also my birthday week) by starting with the lobster roll from Maine and ending with crab cake sandwiches from Maryland.  I know pretty much every New England state is going to try to take credit for the lobster roll as it's popularity extends to most of the northeastern U.S. states.  There are two distinct lobster roll styles, warm (Connecticut style) and cold (Maine style) so today we will be using the cold lobster salad method of creating a lobster roll.  Lobster rolls are a bit of a newer sandwich phenomenon in the U.S. as prior to 1960, lobster meat was considered low-class poverty food mostly served in prisons and used as a fertilizer.  It wasn't until the development of the "lobster smack," which allowed crews to keep lobsters alive during transport, did lobster meat begin to gain popularity in many Boston and New York City social circles.  Roadside stands such as Red's Eats in Wiscasset, Maine have been serving up buttered lobster rolls ever since, and today you can find a lobster roll at almost any seafood restaurant up and down the east coast, which makes you think what popular prison food from today will the youths be eating in 50 years.  My guess: mystery meat substitutes (see: veganism).  


Two lobster tails 


Chopped Dill

Chopped Parsley 

Hot dog buns





Garlic Powder

1. First I seasoned my lobster meat with salt, pepper, and paprika and put broiled the tails for 5 minutes. When done, chop up the lobster meat and place in a bowl.

2. Mix lobster meat with mayo (I think I overdid it with the mayo), garlic powder, chopped dill, and chopped parsley, and pepper. 

3. Toast the hot dog buns in butter on a large pan. 

4. Put your lobster salad mix on the buttered hot dog bun.  

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