Friday, May 21, 2021

50 States Sandwich Challenge: Nevada

 Ok, Nevada.  I'm not sure where you got the idea that the Patty Melt is yours.  The Patty Melt became commercialized as early as the 1940s as a variant of the popular cheeseburger.  The difference here? Swiss cheese, caramelized onions, and rye bread pressed on the griddle.  The closest thing to credit to the Patty Melt that exists goes to Los Angeles restauranteur Tiny Naylor who may have invented the sandwich in the 1930s.  Even if Tiny Naylor did not invent the sandwich, he did help popularize it at his restaurants: Tiny Naylor's, DuPars, and Wolfgang Puck's Granita.  There is a Dupars in the Golden Gate Resort and Casino in Las Vegas which is a hilarious stretch for the state to claim this as their state sandwich but I suppose when you are surrounded by radioactive desert, you have limited culinary items to choose from of your own.  Good for you, Vegas, always on that hustle.  


1 onion
1lb Ground Beef
Rye Bread
Swiss Cheese
Salt, Pepper, Garlic Powder, Onion Powder

1. Heat 2 tablespoons of butter on medium-low heat and cook the sliced onions slowly over 20-25 minutes until caramelized.

2. Mix ground beef with spices and form hamburger patties. Cook the patties however you like your burgers.

3. Assemble: Bread, Cheese, Patty, Onions, Cheese, Bread and place on a buttered griddle to toast. 

4. Put $100 on black and don't look back.  

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