Wednesday, May 26, 2021

50 States Sandwich Challenge: New Hampshire

This is now the second time on this list that poor Massachusetts has had one of its staple foods claimed by another state.  I guess that just comes with the territory of breaking up the Massachusetts Bay Colony into different states.  But really, the roast beef sandwich isn't exactly native to the North Shore.  Some trace of origins of the American-style roast beef sandwich as far back as 1877, described by The Washington Post as "a true taste of South Dakota", "unattractive" and "a tired ark in a gravy flood."  So why then, would Kelly's Roast Beef in Revere, Massachusetts claim to have invented the sandwich in 1951?  Well, I suppose it's the combination of cheese and horseradish that really spruced up the 'ole tired roast beef and gravy that drove the elitist Washington Post nuts, but today, the North Shore is the place to go for a roast beef sandwich.  Everyone knows that.  So, I'm sorry New Hampshire, I'm not sure where you really come into play here other than you share the same cold, rocky beaches of the North Shore and that Kelly's is planning to open a franchise in Manchester next year.  But that's just New England for you, folks.  New Hampshire just wants to live free or die (of Massachusetts taxes) and grab a roast beef.  No shame in that game.  


Roast Beef

Cheddar Cheese



Brioche bun 

1. Spread horseradish on your brioche bun.

2. Mountain of roast beef on top.  Cheese, arugula, and close.  Boom you have a roast beef sandwich. 

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