Monday, July 15, 2019

Sandwich Challenge: The American

Note: Now that my vacations are (mostly) over I'll be going to a more regular schedule again.  

Please forgive me.  This was supposed to run on 4th of July but due to lack of WiFi (and too much booze), it's coming out today.  Fourth of July is my absolute favorite holiday, in fact, I consider the time between Memorial Day and the Fourth of July as my holiday season because everyone knows summer is the best season of the year and much better than the depressing darkness of December. I wasn't sure what I was going to write about this as America isn't very popular right now (according to the internet it's the worst place ever) and I don't want to subject you all to me waxing poetic about how much I love our country.  Where else do you get to write about so many different sandwiches?  So instead, I'll be dedicating this entire month's Taliercio's sandwiches to America, starting today, halfway through July, with the American.

The American: Ham, Turkey, Roast Beef, Yellow American, Lettuce, Tomato, Mayo

The American sandwich (along with the Italian) has frequented almost every party I've ever been to that has been catered by Taliercio's (shoutout six-foot subs) so you know it has to be a crowd pleaser.  Personally, I enjoy the American more than the Italian and I think it comes back to the roast beef.  And although I prefer white American cheese, the yellow really does work on this one.  A basic, standard sandwich that will never let you down.

Overall: 7.6/10

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