Thursday, July 18, 2019

Sandwich Challenge: BBQ Double Feature

Folks, we are in full on Bar-B-Que season (I will be at a BBQ every weekend this month, no big deal.) and with it I bring a double feature in the aptly named BBQ sandwich and panini at Taliercio's.  Let me tell you these two will not be your typical bar-b-que fare, you're all probably expecting some kind of beef in a BBQ sauce.  Well, you're wrong.  It's much more common to BBQ chicken than brisket in New Jersey, which is probably why no one here grows over 5 foot 10 (And that's talking science).  Both the BBQ sandwich and the All-American BBQ panini feature freshly cut Boar's Head BBQ Chicken as well as the most underrated condiment, honey mustard.  Let's take a deeper dive into the two. 

The BBQ: BBQ Chicken, Jalapeno Jack, Honey Mustard, Lettuce, Tomato

This was an amazing summer sandwich featuring heaps (seriously I couldn't even bite into the entire thing) of freshly sliced chicken with your typical lettuce and tomato toppings.  But you all know where I'm really going with this.  Jalapeno.  Jack.  Cheese.  It is a top two sandwich cheese (along with Mozzarella) and bumped up the score big time.  The sandwich would have been a little boring with regular American cheese but let's be honest type of poultry with some honey mustard will have me shouting from the rooftops.

Overall: 7.8/10

And now to the All-American BBQ panini:

The All American BBQ: BBQ Chicken, White American, Sliced Pickle, Tomato, Honey Mustard

Not as much chicken as the sandwich but still packed with flavor.  Some jalapeno jack cheese might have launched this panini into the 8's but the white American cheese did work here, especially since it was melted.  I know pickles might not be for everyone but I absolutely love them on anything and really made the save here.  Without the pickles, this might have been a little too plain as it was tough to get a good taste of the honey mustard on this one for some reason.  Still, a solid panini that you shouldn't be ashamed of ordering. 

Overall: 7.5/10 

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