Wednesday, January 22, 2020

PEC Challenge: Township Bagel Cafe

Hand up, if it weren't for's top 50 PEC list I would have never known this place existed.  This may surprise some of you who believe anything south of the Driscoll Bridge is South Jersey, but I'm not a South Jersey guy.  The only time I've spent any time in South Jersey was to visit Rowan University in 2006 (Atlantic City and Sea Isle don't really count because those are beach locations. I have spoken.)  This spot is right down the road from Rowan, and from what I remember about the area is that it looked a lot more like Kentucky than NJ (shoutout Cowtown in Pilesgrove).  With that image painting my brain, you can imagine how shocked I was when I rolled up to this bagel spot that looked exactly like any other bagel spot I've ever been to and also offered DoorDash services.  "Door Dash in this rural area?! Amazing!" Exclaimed the ignorant child of North Jersey voice in my head.  And then I remembered that NJ is the only state in the entire country with 0 rural counties.  So next time someone asks you to visit South Jersey, remember that they also have modern amenities like DoorDash too so their outlook on cuisine cannot be overlooked.  Or you can just do what I do and stop into these places exclusively when you have to drive past them to get to a work meeting in D.C. Either way, up to you.  I, however, am contractually obligated to try every place in this wildly diverse state so here we go with our very first South Jersey entry: Township Bagel Cafe.  

Bread Rating: 6.2 (The further from the city you get, the more the quality of bagel will diminish, those are just scientific facts.  By the way, the city I'm talking about is New York, you rubes.  The city close to this place is Philly, in case you don't understand what I was getting at.) 

Pork roll: 7.2 (A bit of a smokier almost mesquite flavored pork roll down here. I definitely didn’t hate it. They provide two pretty big slices)

Egg: 6.4 (Eggs were OK, placed in a heap on the sandwich which kind of took it over.)

Cheese: 7.5 (Way to be with the white American cheese. If you're going to be around farms it's inexcusable to not have fresh cheese and eggs.)

Sandwich composition: 6.8 (good composition. Maybe too much egg? Came with a side of home fries which might be enough to bribe other food writers in the state but not this guy. Mostly because the home fries weren’t that good.)

Overall: 6.8 (certainly not a place I would say you need to go out of your way for. But if you’re around Rowan University this might not be a bad stop.)

Price: $6

Township Bagel is located at 288 Egg Harbor Rd, Sewell, NJ 08080

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