Wednesday, January 15, 2020

PEC Challenge: Grandma's Bagels

Hello friends.  Did you miss me? I know it's been a while.  You're probably all wondering if I had reached Pork Roll nirvana and melted away into the inside of a hard roll at Summit Diner.  I know I thought about it.  So why did I just take a month-long hiatus?  Honestly, very unplanned but kind of planned.  I won't bore you with the details but I took a much-needed break from my computer following my company's holiday party in DC (I used the rest of my PTO to take the last two weeks of the year off because that shit does not carry over to a new year).  "But it's been 2020 for two weeks where have you been?" No, I haven't been having an existential crisis over the fact that we have just entered the decade where I will enter mid-life.  Why would I do that? The truth is, as per my "Winter prior to a Summer Olympics held in AsiaTM" tradition, I've been fighting off a cold that deemed my tastebuds unusable. (In hindsight, my lifestyle of snowboarding and going out while sick did me no favors.)  What use would I be as the arbiter of food without my clearly impeccable sense of taste?  So my two-week hiatus turned into four and here we are on January 15th making our 2020 debut on none other than #NationalBagelDay.  So sit back, relax, and enjoy Grandma's Bagel.  

(My Grandma did not make these bagels, however, before I lost my sense of taste, I ate an entire Tupperware of her Christmas cookies the day after Christmas, which were phenomenal as always, thank you, Grandma!) 

Bread Rating: 8.1/10 (The bagels are solid here, airy and crispy. Unfortunately not made by my Grandma.)

Pork Roll Rating: 8.3/10 (Thick slices of sweet, sweet pork roll.  I've missed the hell out of you.)

Egg Rating: 7.8/10 (Excellently seasoned, fried and slathered with cheesy goodness.)

Cheese Rating: 7.4/10 (Bad news first, it's cheap imitation cheese.  The good news is they are very liberal with the application of said cheese.  That's one way to bump up your cheese score for those keep track at home.)

Sandwich Composition: 7.8/10 (A solid breakfast sandwich.  Maybe a little heavy-handed with the ketchup but it didn't ruin the sandwich at all.)

Overall Rating: 7.9/10 (And we are back! Thankfully with a very solid PEC and an excellent bagel on #NationalBagelDay.) 

Price: $4 (!), card accepted with $5 minimum so grab yourself a yoo-hoo. 

Grandma's Bagels is located at 479 Prospect Ave. Little Silver, NJ 07739

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