Thursday, September 24, 2020

PEC Challenge: Irv's Deli and Restaurant

About a month ago I walked into a large dining rooms.  Instead of a bustling diner, the lights were mostly out. The chairs all placed on top of the tables. No patrons, no wait staff,  just a lone man behind the griddle listening to the local soft rock station.  This was the scene of Irv's Deli and Restaurant in the time of COVID-19.  I made my order (PEC) with Irv, exchanged some pleasantries, and then listened to him talk about how his business was affected by the shutdowns.  He was adamantly against them and (obviously, as owner of a business affected by them) but what made his perspective unique was where he came from.  He explained that he's seen this type of economic devastation before in his home country, Greece.  Granted, theirs was more self inflicted rather than global pandemic inflicted but I still found his perspective interesting.  Anyway, I'm not a doctor or here to tell you what to think (unless its about food) so I'll leave those decisions to the professionals and keep on with the PEC's.  

Bread Rating: 7.6/10 (A nice soft roll with a little bit of toast to it.) 

Pork Roll Rating: 7.2/10 (a crunchy brand of pork roll, almost reminded me a bit like fried bologna.  I could just taste all of the hot pastrami and other deli meats that have graced the griddle over the years.)

Egg Rating: 7.3/10 (A very nicely griddled fried egg.)

Cheese Rating: 6.6/10 (Regular yellow American cheese.) 

Sandwich Composition: 6.9/10 (I got the sense Irv was a "here you go" kind of guy.  Here's everything I just cooked for you in a sandwich.  A workman's PEC.  Reliable.  Good SPK placement.)

Overall: 7.1 (This is what we call in the business a "greasy spoon pork roll."  These are historically reliable PEC's that will never leave you disappointed.) 

Price: $5

Irv's Deli and Restaurant is located at 2040 NJ-33, Neptune City, NJ 07753

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