Wednesday, September 15, 2021

50 States Sandwich Challenge: Vermont

How do you convince an incredibly health-conscious population like Vermont to eat a sandwich? By putting apple slices in it, of course.  That was the idea behind Jason Maroney's sandwich creation of the 90s in Sweetwater's, a popular Burlington bar.  Since its inception, the sandwich has been adopted and modified in countless recipes throughout New England.  In this version, ham is heated with Vermont's signature cheddar cheese, and the Vermonter's original ingredient, apple slices.  All on top of two slices of cinnamon raisin bread.  The flavors were fresh.  The flavors were sweet.  Is it healthy? You tell me.  


1 loaf raisin bread

1lb sliced ham

1 8oz brick of sharp white Vermont cheddar cheese

2 apples

1. Toast your raisin bread. While your bread is toasting, heat the ham in a skillet over medium heat.

2. Place 3 slices of cheese on a slice of bread, then pile ham on top, with 2-3 apple slices.  

3. Heat your constructed sandwich on a buttered skillet over medium-low heat and let sit until the cheese melts a little. 

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