Thursday, September 23, 2021

50 States Sandwich Challenge: Wisconsin

No surprises here as the state of self-proclaimed cheeseheads sandwich is the famed grilled cheese.  But did you know cheeseheads actually started as a Dutch insult kaaskop, literally meaning head cheese?  Well, that's what happened when Illinoisans started calling Wisconsinites particularly fans of the Green Bay Packers and Milwaukee Brewers.  I, for one, am shocked, because all I've ever known Illinois and Wisconsin to be is full of nice people.  Like, almost too nice, "why are you taking me around town in a bar crawl if we just met are you going to murder me?", nice. (True story.) But as the country's top cheese producer it makes sense that Wisconsin holds the grilled cheese torch here.  Sadly, the sandwich was not invented in Wisconsin or even America.  The idea of grilling bread and cheese has been around since the Roman Empire (which makes this our oldest sandwich).  In France, the Croque Monsieur was first on menus in 1910.  The grilled cheese as we know it today, however, was not produced until the invention of sliced bread in 1927 by Otto Frederick Rohwedder, and people were really pumped about it.  During the Great Depression, people began eating open-faced grilled cheese sandwiches as a cost-effective meal.  Over the years, the sandwich has evolved beyond just grilled bread and melted cheese but for the sake of nostalgia and respect for the original, I'll be keeping to just melted cheese for this one.  Should I have gone with Swiss cheese (actually invented in Wisconsin), yes, but yellow American is what I had in my fridge so that's what I used.  


White Bread

Cheese of choice


1. Butter two pieces of bread and a skillet on medium-low heat.  Place cheese on bread and then cook on a skillet until cheese is melted.

2. I have to be honest, I've made some complex things, but grilled cheese always gives me trouble and I think it's because it's just so boring.  Love the flavor of melted cheese and butter though.  

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