Thursday, August 22, 2019

Sandwich Challenge: The Alipio

I'm going to be really honest with you all here since I usually go into these with some kind of angle.  I have absolutely no clue what this sandwich could possibly be named after so please, bear with me, as I do what my crazy brain does best and speculate what in the world Alipio could be. After firing up the old Google machine, let's check with the oddsmakers 

Alipio-Brazillian soccer player (100/1) 

The very first result is 27-year-old Brazillian soccer player, Alipio.  Ever wonder why every Brazillian soccer player pulls a Cher and goes by one name? Same.  This guy is no Cher of the soccer world though.  After an underwhelming Real Madrid try-out (there's a 2011 article calling him the "NEW RONALDO" LMAO), he's jumped around Portugal a bit and is currently on Brasilerio Seire A team, Figueriense. This guy rarely scores goals even though his position is listed as attacking midfielder.  After checking in on FIFA 19 his rating is a 40.  40! Which is probably why no one's ever heard of him.  You might hit gold though when you find out this guy's someone's nephew or some shit.  Highly unlikely this sandwich is named after him.  

Saint Alypius Stylites-Catholic Saint (45/1)

Yes, this is a Greek variation of Alipio (I really had to reach here).  Turns out the name Alipio is also Greek.  Anyway, Alypius was from Adrianople (modern Edirne, Turkey) during the 4th-century which was right when Catholicism was becoming hot in the Roman Empire streets (thanks to Constantine I).  He was an early adoptor to Christianity in the East as a Deacon.  He gave away all his possessions to live as a monk, then in a cave as a hermit.  Finally, he qualified for Sainthood by living atop a pillar for long periods.  Maybe Saint Alypius is the patron saint of Taliercio's, otherwise unlikely it's named after this guy.

A family member named Alipio (5/1)

OK, this is probably it, right? Ol' Uncle Alipio, you know Jimmy's brother-in-law.  The name Alipio is of Greek origin meaning "he who is devoid of sadness" and folks I would say I was devoid of sadness eating this sandwich. 

The Alipio: Grilled Chicken, Bacon, Melted Swiss, BBQ Sauce

Why did I pick this random-ass sandwich for today?  Because I'm running out of sandwiches named after famous people and I had a mild anxiety attack the other day of the impending end of summer.  You know what cures that? Eating a sandwich with foods that remind you of summer.  Grilled chicken smothered in BBQ Sauce. If the BBQ sauce wasn't smokey enough for you, then you'll love the addition of the bacon. Perfectly crisp for a sandwich.  The good news is local summer is about to begin, meaning the beach will become 85% more enjoyable than it already is without the shoobies.  The bad news, I don't really love BBQ sauce.

Overall: 6.6/10 

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