Wednesday, August 7, 2019

PEC Challenge: Jimmy's Place

I went to my first Jimmy Buffett show last night.  I know, as someone who used to vacation at a beach house in Florida named "Margaritaville" every August, I can't believe it's taken me this long. (New Smyrna Beach is a great place to spend a summer.)  There was such an incredible vibe from the entire Buffett experience.  Of course, you expect the Parrotheads to all be chill, friendly people but I have never seen such a large crowd at any PNC show ever with zero hints of conflict over real estate.  A very rare occurrence not only at PNC but in the entire state of New Jersey.  I woke up this morning (to a huge thunderstorm) like any other New Jerseyan after being serenaded for three hours by Jimmy Buffett, with a pork roll.  Today's had to be special though, it needed to be on the beach as a tribute to Jimmy and the island lifestyle he injected into our veins the night before. (The man played the entire show barefoot which are life goals 101.) Incredibly, there's a beachside greasy spoon in Belmar named Jimmy's Place that fit the bill perfectly. (Legally I think I have to say this Jimmy's Place has no relation with Jimmy Buffett or any Margaritaville Restaurant.) Jimmy's is a pretty small hole in the wall griddle, which also serves pizza, and is open 24 hours between Thursday-Saturday which I'm sure brings in a cast of late-night characters.  Some reviews say that service is slow, which is kind of true, but sit back and soak in the Atlantic air.  There could be much worse places to have to wait for a breakfast sandwich.  Speaking of the sandwich, let's check this one out.

Bread Rating: 7.8/10 (Very solid hard roll.  Sure having poppy seed rolls only might be cheating a bit but I respect the move.)

Pork Roll: 8.2/10 (Three large slices of pork roll on an expert griddle right before your eyes.  I can imagine this experience being nearly tear-inducing (out of happiness) after 2am.)

Egg Rating: 6.8/10 (Scrambled eggs were a tough look for a breakfast sandwich but they were also pretty good so I was torn here.)

Cheese Rating: 8.4/10 (A generous amount of white American cheese and it was glorious. I think there might have been another type of white cheese mixed in there as well but can't confirm. )

Sandwich Composition: 6.5/10 (No ketchup and the scrambled eggs slid off as easily as expected. I thought the sandwich worked fine without the ketchup though and was still a very good PEC.)

Overall: 7.5/10 (A good PEC from a hole in the wall griddle right on the beach.  I won't say the combination of the beach and Bob Dylan's "Lay, Lady, Lay" blasting on the speakers made this a cathartic experience but it certainly didn't hurt the score.) 

Price: $7, cards accepted

Jimmy's Place is located at 804 Ocean Ave, Belmar, NJ 07719

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