Thursday, August 1, 2019

Sandwich Challenge: The Mo

I try not to get too sappy here but today is my lovely girlfriend's 30th birthday. As per birthday tradition, today's sandwich was aptly chosen for her nickname, Mo.  She may be five months younger than me but she has twice the kindness, wisdom, and humility.  No seriously, she might be the nicest human in the entire world. Hopefully, I can catch up in thirty years but it's not looking good.  Anyway here are some fun Mo facts.  She might be one of the few 5% of people from Massachusetts that does not have some variation of a Boston accent (which is likely why they allowed her to obtain an NJ drivers license). Mo is in the top 1% of Hoop Fever (pop a shot, arcade basketball) players in the world.  Yes, I'm willing to say the world.  She once hustled the entirety (our friends were the only ones there) of an Atlantic City bar in Hoop Fever. In 3rd grade, she went through a phase of wearing camouflage clothing. OK, I'll stop before I give you all the link to her Jonas Brothers music video covers on YouTube. Happy Birthday, Maureen!  Let's get to the sandwich.  

Grilled Chicken, Broccoli Rabe, Mozzarella, Roasted Pepper, Balsamic Vinegar

Incredibly both of our (loosely) namesake sandwiches feature broccoli rabe, which is something neither of us has ever shared together.  I have to say after eating this sandwich, I might be a broccoli rabe guy.  I literally gasped when I started this project eight months ago (holy shit, I've almost carried this baby to full term) and I saw that there were SIX sandwiches with broccoli rabe.  That's 8% of their listed sandwiches! Since I avoid most things green (money included, lol, please sponsor my blog), I had never dabbled in broccoli rabe before, other than it being a basis of Stephen Colbert's character name in The Office. But I have been mistaken, broccoli rabe is a lovely leafy green to add to any sandwich...that I've eaten so far.  The main event of this sandwich though is the mozzarella, roasted pepper, balsamic vinegar combo and when you mix in the grilled chicken you have a pure summer.  The perfect sandwich for someone born on August 1st. 

Overall: 8.1/10

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