Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Sandwich Challenge: Danny Boy

Every year without fail, the week before Labor Day, the air starts to get cool and everyone starts sending you Venmo charges for Fantasy Football.  Here at the Shore, this weekend always signals the end of Benny Summer and the beginning of Local Summer.  But we all know what's coming in the next few weeks.  I always dreaded the end of the summer and the warm weather but now that the burdens of youth (school) have been lifted off of me (replaced by the burden of avoiding adulthood), I've grown to enjoy this time of year.  It's still the perfect time for outdoor activities such as drinking outdoors at a BBQ, watching football at a bar outdoors, enjoying a beer garden or brewery outdoors.  If you hate those activities you can finally get around to doing the yearly hike you've been talking about doing since the spring but haven't because "it's just too humid." What I'm trying to say is, soak it all in now because before you know it we're all going to be pasty as fuck huddled around inside "enjoying" turkey while daydreaming of the summer months when we actually left our houses.  Am I projecting? You tell me.  I just picked a sandwich named after an Irish funeral song to represent the end of the summer. 

Danny Boy: Grilled Chicken, Avocado, Bacon, Hot Cherry Peppers, Creamy Ranch Dressing

Have you ever tried to combine the creamy textures of avocado and ranch dressing? If you haven't then you should.  I like to think that the health benefits of the avocado balance out the detrimental elements of ranch dressing.  Just like the grilled chicken (not fried!) balance out the crispy bacon.  Add some cherry peppers and you have perhaps one of the best, most balanced paninis on the menu.  They also give you a choice of cheese so you can create your own adventure! If you're a sick fuck like me and need the heat cranked up a little more (because hot cherry peppers aren't enough) you'll go with the pepper jack cheese on this one.  RIP Summer 2019, I barely knew ye.  

Overall: 8.6/10 

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