Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Taliercio's Challenge: Big Mike

Editor's Note: I originally wrote this blog last week to be released today but due to yesterday's horrific events in Jersey City I have to start today's blog with a request.  Before you read on about today's sandwich, I ask that you donate to the memorial fund for Detective Joseph Seals, who gave his life protecting Jersey City yesterday.  My uncle recently retired from Jersey City PD so it would mean a lot if you'd join me in helping Detective Seals' family with any amount you could give.  You can donate here

Today we have a very special request from my good friend Mike who is celebrating his 30th birthday.  His direct quote from last week: 

Well, Mike, there's only one sandwich left on the menu with the name Mike in it and it's Big Mike.  Anyone who knew Mike back in the day knows this is a hilarious choice of sandwich coming from someone who was nicknamed Fetus (I know, disgusting) in Middle School.  (The same nickname could have easily been applied to me but since I was a grade older than him, he got stuck with it, sorry I don't make the nickname rules.)  I don't care how much weight you put up in the Barn (his homemade gym) today because until you have a kid and name him Mike, I will never refer to you as Big Mike.  And that's a promise.  There's a lot more I can say about Mike but I have to save some material for the wedding.  So Happy Birthday, here's your sandwich. 

Big Mike: Capicola, Sopressata, Provolone, Mozzarella, Balsamic Vinegar

I mean, we aren't only rocking with one cheese on the Big Mike, we are rocking with two! The provolone and mozzarella are perfect with the meats here. Love meat? There's plenty to go around.  This is a true NJ Italian classic.  I mean, it's got gabagool! Did you just spend Thanksgiving binging The Sopranos and wondered what gabagool was and why everyone loved it? You've come to the right place.  They're actually talking about capicola, which is a type of salami,  a cross between prosciutto and sausage, and it is as good as Tony Soprano says it is.  But that's not all on this sandwich.  We also have a generous helping of soppressata, which is an Italian dry salami.  Basically, this sandwich is about half an antipasto on bread. If you aren't familiar with antipasto, please make your family aware of it before your Christmas dinner.  

Overall: 7.8/10 

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