Thursday, May 7, 2020

PEC Challenge: Felicia's Kitchen

Unfortunately, there's no history lesson on hobos or the like in this week's restaurant name.  Felicia's Kitchen is about as straight-up a name as you can give your place of business.  I mean other than the phrase "Bye, Felicia" being used in cringe-worthy interviews with politicians and journalists, the name Felicia isn't very common.  I've only come across one Felicia in my life (my college roommate made out with one at a random bar during one rambunctious Jersey Shore summer) so I'd say it's a pretty uncommon name.  Felicia Day is the most famous Felicia I could find on Google and her credits include Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Supernatural.  Unfortunately, my roommate's one night fling or Felica Day did not own this kitchen.  It's owned by a very nice Italian woman, named Felicia, and her husband.  It's a lovely little cafe/restaurant nestled inside a little strip in "downtown" Little Silver, with Presidential-eque headshots of the owner and her husband adorning the brick walls.  I hope we're able to enjoy these places inside their walls soon.  Until then, we're still doing take out, and I'm hoping to find many more of these little restaurants that might have gone overlooked in my initial PEC search.  

Bread Rating: 6.8/10 (A nicely toasted hard roll.  Good size, light, pretty typical for the area.

Pork Roll Rating: 6.4/10 (Two slices of a smokier brand, with cheese on each slice and egg in between.  A little bit of a thicker cut from these.)

Egg Rating: 7.2/10 (I think this was a poached egg, which was an interesting approach for a breakfast sandwich.  I didn't hate it.)

Cheese Rating: 7.3/10 (A ton of cheese, and not the imitation kind.  A slice on top, a slice in the middle, and one at the bottom.  Cheesy.)

Sandwich Composition: 6.6/10 (No SPK but didn't really need it.  I really enjoyed the layering on this sandwich, though the bread to meat ratio might have been a little high for me.)

Overall Rating: 6.86/10 (This was a pretty good PEC from a cute little brunch restaurant in Little Silver)

Price: $5

Felicia's Kitchen is located at 129 Markham Pl, Little Silver, NJ 07739

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