Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Taliercio's Challenge: Billy Bob

It's a historic day.  For the first time in nine years, the U.S. is going to launch humans into space and for the first time ever it will be done by a private company.  Why is this a big deal? Why should we care? Because there's more than just a pandemic going on right now.  We need this for morale, and for a much-needed boost to American pride.  As the first and only nation to send humans to the moon (I don't think people realize how insane that is, especially because the computer in your pocket is more powerful than anything they had in 1969), this first step towards a new era of American spaceflight (Space Force!) is extra exciting.  With this launch, we are getting closer to an expanded space flight range, perhaps even leading to witnessing humans walk on Mars (another planet, which is 97 MILLION miles away).  I'm fired up.  Space has always been fascinating to me, and something I could never quite wrap around my head.  The expanse of nothingness, and the shift of perspective when you realize how very small we really are, always make me realize how little everyday "problems" are (like when I don't get SPK on my pork roll, egg, and cheese). Forget politics, forget coronavirus, and enjoy this historic event in human history.  See you all for the 4:30pm launch today, and thank you, Elon.  

Oh, and you're probably wondering why I picked the Billy Bob sandwich for this event? Well, it's because Billy Bob Thorton was in the movie Armageddon AND The Astronaut Farmer which are arguably two of the more ridiculous space movies to come out in the last 25 years.  But more importantly, it brought us Steven Tyler's best song.  (Aerosmith still overrated.) 

Billy Bob: Grilled Chicken, Pepperjack Colby Cheese, Bacon, Coleslaw, Russian Dressing

A Summer-y sandwich for sure, but not one if you're worried about the beach.  This is a creamy sandwich, with the mayo laden coleslaw in addition to the Russian Dressing.  Not saying this is necessarily a bad thing, it gave this sandwich some excellent flavor.  It's a grilled chicken heavy one, which is fine except it isn't a chicken cutlet.  The smoked bacon is a nice touch and completes the BBQ flavor this sandwich is unlocking.  I haven't run the numbers but I'm not sure if this sandwich would survive a trip to space but maybe I can get my friend Elon to confirm.  

Overall: 6.8/10 

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