Thursday, May 21, 2020

Taliercio's Challenge: E-Tali

If you're like me, you probably spend most mornings reading all sorts of musings from the mentally ill on  There was something this morning that was "trending" that caught my eye.  "The End of Meat" was the ominous title of a story in the New York Times this morning. The end of meat? Are the predicted shortages really happening? Nope, just some more moral posturing from our favorite publication of failed English majors, the New York Times.  Is eating meat killing the world? Maybe.  But now isn't the time for this kind of shit, NY Times, read a room one time for me.  In a grand gesture of defiance (I'm not about to start protesting masks and to be honest, I'm enjoying my long hair), I ordered a sandwich so offensively filled with meat it would cause hundreds of angry twitter accounts to cry into the internet void.  And who are you going to take food advice from? Someone who took journalism courses from one of the "top schools" in the county working for a publication who sold their integrity to our corporate overlords OR some shirtless schmuck eating sandwiches in New Jersey who acquired everything you need to know about "journalism" from spending Saturday mornings in their mother's nail salon as a kid?  You be the judge.  You wanna stop eating meat, go right ahead, I don't care, but when you come to eat in NJ, keep that shit to yourself.  And that's the tea.  

E-Tali: Fried Veal, Hot Soppressata, Fresh Ricotta, Marinara Sauce

Simply put, this sandwich is heaven.  The fresh ricotta with the breaded veal gave hints at Taliercio's beloved fried ravioli (the best fried ravs in the Western Hemisphere and I'll fight you on that).  Instead of only cheese, we are treated with the tender meat you know and love...veal.  Oh, and since I know you love meat so much let's dump some hot soppressata on top of the veal.  Read it and weep.  Please, don't show this sandwich to anyone from the New York Times, they don't deserve to bask in it's glory.  

Overall: 8.7/10

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