Thursday, May 28, 2020

PEC Challenge: Katz Luncheonette

Every morning before logging into the old blog machine (not my real job), I've been joining my dad on a hike/walk through Monmouth County's prestigious park system.  Will I review every single one of these parks? I don't know.  But I figured I'd start with today's park and my personal favorite, Hartshorne Woods.  Over 794 acres of a hilly forest overlooking the Navesink and Shrewsbury rivers along with the Atlantic Ocean with some of the highest elevations along the Coast make you wonder how this could possibly be New Jersey and not Northern California. (No redwoods were the dead giveaway to me but I digress).  The park is named after Richard Hartshorne, an English Quaker from London who purchased the land from the indigenous Lenape Tribe for thirteen shillings ($30.87 in today's money, yes I just did the historical calculation of a now-defunct currency and adjusted it for inflation, no big deal.) Because of its desirable defense location due to its high elevation, the U.S. Government purchased land in 1942 (now the Rocky Point section of the park) on the Hartshorne property to be converted to war batteries for heavy artillery.  Today, these batteries remain as trails are set around them for walking and biking.  High, high recommend for a Saturday morning.  Which brings us to the pork roll.  Katz Luncheonette sits right below the high points of the park in the fishing community of Highlands, NJ.  It seems the entire coast of this town is full of marinas, so grabbing a quick bite to eat before heading out on the water is essential to many of the residents here.  Speaking of boats, my friends just bought one this year and invited me to join them last Monday, and let me tell you what a treat it is to be out on the water to kick off summer.  10/10 would do it again.  This pork roll, however, not a 10.  

Bread Rating: 6.6/10 (An average hard roll, that was a bit fluffy.)

Pork Roll Rating: 6.8/10 (Three thick slices that were a little sweeter than your typical brand. They were a little soft, almost bologna like.  I actually like bologna but it will always catch me off guard when my pork roll resembles it.) 

Egg Rating: 5.8/10 (Something was a little off about the egg, I'm not sure if it were a lack of seasoning or because it tasted almost microwaved like at McDonald's, either way, it kind of threw off the taste of the entire sandwich to me.) 

Cheese Rating: 6.2/10 (A little bit of the same situation as the egg, the cheese seemed kind of imitation.)

Sandwich Composition: 6.4/10 (The sandwich was neat and had a good meat to egg ratio.  However, it's never great to me when I take a bite and feel the crunch of the salt on your sandwich.  No ketchup or pepper on this one either which it might have needed.)

Overall Rating: 6.3/10 (Although it is a luncheonette, this PEC played more like a bodega sandwich which in some cases isn't a bad thing, but in this case fell a little short.  It looked like a nice enough neighborhood spot, and I'm sure there are better options to go with from a place called Katz Luncheonette so I wouldn't want to deter you from picking something up there before heading to the marina.) 

Price: $5

Katz Luncheonette is located at 208 Bay Ave, Highlands, NJ 07732  

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