Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Sandwich Challenge: Carmela Soprano

There are moments in TV history that remind you so much of your own life you can't believe it.  For me, every single time Carmela Soprano angrily yelled "Anthony Jr" at her terrible son, it sent shivers down my spine.  If you grew up with an Italian mother you already know your life is over once she raises her voice at you, which for me was pretty much daily.  But despite the yelling (it's how we show affection), there is no doubt that these women are 100% ride or die.  Sure, Carmela was aware of her husband's illegal dealings but that didn't stop her from leaving leftover eggplant for him in the fridge or, you know, not talking to law enforcement about it. For her, it was all about her children and giving them the best life possible, which is what made her one of the most relatable and appreciated character on The Sopranos. 

The Carmela Soprano: Fried Eggplant, Mozzarella, Sun Dried Tomatoes

Speaking of eggplant, there's plenty of it on this panini, and folks, this eggplant is the real deal.  It is absolutely fried to perfection, and yeah, I know this is supposed to be the "healthy" run of sandwiches, but there are no meats or dressings on this panini!  Of all of the vegetarian (let's call them Lenten) sandwiches, this one was my favorite.  Did I mention, the eggplant is perfectly fried? Pair this with mozzarella and you won't be disappointed.

Overall: 6.8/10

**Evidence of me being an idiot: I still get teased by my family for mistakenly eating my cousin's eggplant parm even though I ordered chicken. Sorry, Ryan, I owe you an eggplant parm.  

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