Friday, June 28, 2019

Sandwich Challenge: The Dirty South

Hello, me again, the guy living out of his suitcase for the past five weeks back with another location-based grilled cheese from Taliercio's.  In about twelve hours from now, I will be joining a caravan of characters (my best friends) as we drive down to the lovely barrier islands of North Carolina for an entire week on the beach. (This is also known as my dream vacation).  Sure, seeing new places is cool and all but you can always count on a week at the beach doing absolutely nothing except sunning, reading, and drinking (at the same time) to recharge the batteries.  This will be the first time in nearly a decade  I've been to the Outer Banks and I'm honestly not sure who allowed a group of ten degenerates from New Jersey rent their house (we historically have shared a house with our slightly more responsible parents).  But this year, we have our own "kid" house (down the street from the "adult" house), which is weird to think about considering I'm thirty fucking years old.  In celebration of these newfound responsibilities and our outrageous itinerary of "themed days",  I sampled the Taliercio's grilled cheese aptly named The Dirty South.  As New Jersey's resident Southerner (I can't even say that with a straight face), I felt only I could judge this grilled cheese for what it really is.  But first I'd like to apologize in advance to any of the good people who unfortunately have to share the same week as us in OBX.  I'm sorry for having fun.  Now let's get to the grilled cheese, The Dirty South. 

The Dirty South: Mac & Cheese and Pulled Pork

This grilled cheese is simply two ingredients and honestly if I polled any town in New Jersey to name southern cuisine these are the only things they would be able to come up with: Pulled Pork and Mac & Cheese.  Usually, in BBQ restaurants, both of these things would be available in a pint together, but not here.  Because we're doing sandwiches here.  So yes, was the pulled pork actually just pieces of pork drenched in BBQ sauce? Yes, but that doesn't matter because it still tasted good! (Be gone BBQ elitists).  I would call for more mac & cheese representation in sandwiches if we didn't already have a heart disease problem in this country.  Obviously, we aren't going to eat this every day BUT if you like BBQ pork and you like mac & cheese you should definitely check this out.  Would it hold up in the South? Probably because those people would eat anything.  I mean they think Olive Garden is the pinnacle of Italian cooking for fuck's sake. (Love y'all).  Anyway, if anything's for certain it's that after eating that grilled cheese my beach body is ready. 

Overall: 8.4/10

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