Thursday, June 6, 2019

Sandwich Challenge: Taliercio's Garden

Just a quick announcement that the #daygamedogs feature has been suspended until the Mets get over .500 (so indefinitely until next year).  In lieu of hot dogs, we are back on our health bullshit since it is beach SZN after all.  This week's sandwich is almost exactly the same as The Marilyn Monroe except it's on a hero instead of panini pressed.  I know, boring, but I did warn you last week that being healthy is boring AF.  What isn't boring is that I'm heading to Boston tonight where I'll be checking out the only pork roll purveyor in town so check back this weekend for that.   

Taliercio's Garden: Roasted Vegetables, Roasted Peppers, Mozzarella, Balsamic Vinegar

The roasted vegetables worked a lot better on a hero than it did on a panini, and you can tell when comparing the photos of them. The roasted vegetables consisted of the same medley found in The Marilyn Monroe: zucchini, eggplant, peppers.  Three thick slices of mozzarella highlight this, and really any, sandwich.  The Semolina bread soaks in the balsamic vinegar to give it way more flavor than on the thin panini bread.   Considering the fact that there's absolutely no meat on this sandwich, this is about as good as you can get.  Fresh vegetables, excellent cheese, and an elite dressing.  

Overall: 6.4/10

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