Wednesday, February 26, 2020

PEC Challenge: White House Subs

I turn 21 31 today, I know, hard to believe after last week's dramatics at the doctor's office.  But here I am, now living into my thirties.  How do you celebrate such an occasion?  You go see Celine Dion in Atlantic City.  Other than scream singing her songs at the top of my lungs like the sorority sister I truly am, I wouldn't say I went into this concert the biggest Celine fan.  But when one of the greatest singers in the world is performing in your state (and a group of friends express interest), you have to do it.  Did it matter that I was the only straight male in attendance? No! Celine rocked that shit to the ground with a once in a lifetime performance (that she did for ten straight years of sold out crowds in Vegas, and coming to a coastal city near you).  After the show, we went to the Wild West bar where some random cover band had the unfortunate role of following up the voice of a generation.  Luckily for them, I was already several vodka sodas in by the time I got to them (and successfully executed a Scottie Doesn't Know chant). How do you recover from a weekend like that in Atlantic City?  You guessed it, with a PEC.  Since I'm now an "adult", I'm contractually obligated to stay at the Hard Rock instead of the Tropicana.  Inside the Hard Rock is a bastardized franchise of a timeless AC sandwich shop, White House Subs.  The perfect place to refuel after a late night.  (When I say perfect, I mean only place since lets be real, you aren't venturing off campus to explore the streets of AC with a hangover). I had a handful of friends who had never had a PEC, so I was really hoping this would do the trick.  I guess I'll have to go back to AC to check out the original....

Bread Rating: 6.6/10 (bread was a soft Kaiser roll maybe too soft because it fell apart with all the grease, which we will get to.) 

Pork Roll Rating: 8.2/10 (three greasy pork roll slices which to be honest is what you want after a late night in AC) 

Egg Rating: 7.1/10  (big fluffy egg, a little plain mostly because they don’t apply salt pepper ketchup here, but it was definitely enhanced by the cheese within the egg.)

Cheese Rating: 7.7/10 (white American cheese for the win. It stretched its way to my heart giving me the hangover relief I desperately needed)

Sandwich Composition: 6.3/10 (heavy on the egg. Maybe a little light on the pork roll. No SPK. Bread really fell apart.)

Overall: 7.1/10 (Exactly what you would expect when you take a landmark food destination and franchise it inside a casino. It did the job.) 

Price: $8

Hard Rock Hotel is located at 1000 Boardwalk, Atlantic City, 08401

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