Thursday, February 27, 2020

Taliercio's Challenge: Jersey Boy

No, this sandwich is not about me.  I would never be so vain, especially during Lent.  If I had to take an educated guess, I'd say this is named after the Broadway play Jersey Boys. I don't know just a hunch.  For the uncultured, Jersey Boys is a Tony Award winning musical that dramatizes the formation, success and eventual break-up of the 1960s group The Four Seasons.  The Four Seasons, led by singer Frankie Valli, are one of the best selling musical groups of all time and hail from Newark, New Jersey.  If you ever attended a party of any kind (I'm talking Baptisms to Weddings) in New Jersey between 1960-present, you've probably have heard a few of their songs. (Yes, we have DJs at baptisms sometimes, get over it.) "Oh, What a Night" and "Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You" have been featured in hundreds of films throughout the years and the play was made into a movie in 2014, directed by Clint Eastwood.  Anyway, the story is the classic rags to riches, and then back to rags story that you've seen a hundred times only this time it's about a group of dudes (including Joe Pesci!) from New Jersey so you know it's extra dramatic.  And now that I know what this play is actually about (thanks to my very thorough research for this blog), maybe I'll check out a matinee this weekend.  
Jersey Boy: Salami, Provolone, Broccoli Rabe, Olive Oil

This sandwich made me want to cry tears of joy and not even because these are my favorite ingredients in a sandwich.  I was in Virginia yesterday and ate a sandwich from a place I thought I enjoyed, Market 2 Market.  Only now, I realize that that place absolutely sucks.  Provolone isn't my favorite cheese and I generally wouldn't order broccoli rabe, but the freshness of everything together with salami and olive oil made this sandwich a delight.  Hence the tears of joy.  Sometimes you don't know what you have until it's gone, so I guess the moral of the story is I love living in a place that knows how to make sandwiches.  OK, now that that's out of my system it's time for me to objectively rate this sandwich compared to the rest of Taliercio's.  Salami and provolone aren't my favorites, provolone is sharp and salami can get overbearingly salty after a while;  add in the bitterness of a broccoli rabe and you might have a tough time getting through the whole thing.  Olive oil basically runs through my veins though so I really enjoyed that addition.  If you like all of those ingredients then no doubt, you'll love this sandwich.  The ingredients are fresh, the bread is always good and you're getting your money's worth of meat and cheese.  

Rating: 6.5/10 (which according to my quick conversion math means anything rated 6 and over in New Jersey is a 10/10 in Virginia, and really this could be for rating anything not only sandwiches.)

Anyway here's a live look into my brain while I eat these:


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