Monday, January 21, 2019

PEC Challenge: Hole Lot of Bagels

You're probably wondering, "if you got bribed with PEC to go to CCD, what happened after eighth grade when you finished?" Fair question. Luckily for me, my parents allowed me to stay at their house through high school despite being bullied by a 13-year-old and we continued our Sunday tradition. However, we stopped going to Bagel Oven and instead went to my Dad's new favorite bagel stop, Hole Lot of Bagel.  Like most places you'll find in my hometown of Middletown, NJ, Hole Lot of Bagels is securely nestled in the suburban confines of a strip mall.  This one is bookended by a Chuck E. Cheese and late night high school haunt, Applebee's.  Despite this, I will not let my disdain for strip malls stop me from enjoying some of the world's simplest pleasures.  

I actually received the requested egg on my breakfast sandwich this week, so we're already off to a very hot start.  Literally.  Steam was coming off this sandwich as soon as I unwrapped it from its foil and as you can see the cheese is actually melted.  Melted cheese, thick slices of pork roll on a good bagel and EGG, these are simple PEC must-haves and Hole Lot of Bagels has them all.

Bread Rating: 7.6/10 (Pretty good bagels here, could have been toasted a little bit more on the inside)

Pork Roll Rating: 7.7/10 (Thick slices = happiness)

Egg Rating: 6.8/10 (Thin eggs but really pork roll is the star here)

Cheese Rating: 6.2/10 (It was melted)

Sandwich Composition 7.8/10 (Ketchup ratio slightly off but appreciated the extra pepper on the eggs)

Overall: 7.2/10 (Your average local PEC, almost every town in NJ should have a place like this)

Price: $5, Cards Accepted 

Hole Lot of Bagels is located at 1171 NJ-35* Middletown, NJ 07748

*We as a people need to rename NJ-35 to ANYTHING.  Rt. 35 just seems so soulless. Please consider my motion to rename Rt. 35 to Seaside Highway.  Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.

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