Thursday, January 24, 2019

Sandwich Challenge: Peter Luger

This week would have been Peter Luger's 152nd birthday.  "Who is Peter Luger?" shout the uncultured masses from the back.  Peter Luger, my friends, is a German immigrant who opened Peter Luger Steak House in 1887 in a little place known as Brooklyn, NY.  From 1983 until 2013, this steakhouse was named best in NYC. (According to Zagat*).  Why did it take nearly 100 years of service to be named Best in Show? We may never know.  But why go spend $80 on a steak from one of the oldest running steakhouses in The City when you can get the Peter Luger hero from Middletown, NJ for the low price of $8.99. 

Peter Luger: Hot roast beef, mozzarella, Peter Luger sauce

 No disrespect to my North Shore, Massachusetts fans, but this is the best roast beef sandwich I have ever had and has to be in the upper echelon of sandwiches I'll have at Taliercio's.  I don't know who's idea it was to put melted mozzarella on this but thank you.  The roast beef was perfectly rare, and the Peter Luger sauce (it's steak sauce) complimented it perfectly.  Magnificent.  

Rating: 9.2/10

*I was going to include the Adam Sandler and Chris Farley SNL clip about Zagat's on here but apparently the folks at NBC don't like fun. 

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