Tuesday, April 23, 2019

PEC Challenge: AJ's Deli


Here we have it.  The great Battle of Winterfell is upon us.  And while we were left with another "set up" episode this week, something tells me it was really a "goodbye" episode for pretty much every character on the screen.  So, this week, I've set up another battle.  AJ's Deli sits directly across the street from last week's PEC, Dom's Cherry St. Deli.  You may be thinking, "Why would there need to be two delis across the street from each other?" Especially when you live in a place where each deli is 10-miles away from each other.  (Looking at you DC, Panera Breads and Cosi's don't count.) Because, NJ, but also because Shrewsbury Ave is a four-lane hell-scape of suburban planning and you might just want to go to the place on your side of the street.  AJ's and Dom's are very similar places with almost identical PEC's and as we learned on this week's GOT episode, maybe the Lannisters, Starks, and Targaryans are more alike than they think.  Here are this week's takeaways: 

-This entire episode was like watching people live out their last day alive and frankly I was sweating the entire time from anxiety.  Probably a very rational reaction to a TV show. 

-Happy to report that Bran is still creepy AF but also pretty forgiving considering he kept his mouth shut about Jaime pushing him out a window in Season 1. 

-Brienne and Jaime might have the best relationship arc on the show. 

-After all of this, Bran and Jon Snow's big plan is to "Home Alone" the fucking Night King?! A little weird and I hope the Night King has a more complex motivation than just killing Bran to erase history.  

-Speaking of all-time bad plans, that one might be Jon Snow's 3rd dumbest of the episode behind: Telling everyone that the crypt (where dead people are) is the safest place to be when fighting against the White Walkers (who raise the dead as killer zombies), and telling Khalessi they've been engaging in incest literal seconds before they have to fight for the survival of the world. 

-Is Khalessi turning heel? She was way more concerned about Jon Snow taking her throne than having an incestuous relationship. (I understand her entire family history is incest so she definitely doesn't care but still)

-Missande wanting to go straight back to her beach home after fighting the White Walkers is the most relatable comment made on this show.

-Everyone should have seen that Arya scene coming, she's a bad bitch. 

-I've listened to Florence + the Machine's rendition of "Jenny of Oldstones" no less than 100 times in the last 24 hours and get goosebumps every time (link below to full song).  Get ready to have your hearts ripped out next week, again just a TV show, or is it.  THRONES. 

Bread Rating: 8.1/10 (Bread was almost exactly the same bread at Dom's except it was toasted.  Fluffy and light.)

Pork Roll Rating: 7.3/10 (Little light on the pork roll, two slices, but it was very good)

Egg Rating: 8.1/10 (A very excellent fried egg)

Cheese Rating: 8.2/10 (Exactly the same amount of cheese as Dom's, very good cheese output, real melted cheese)

Sandwich Composition: 8.5/10 (Perfectly constructed, no mess, and very light and eatable.  An "every day" breakfast sandwich.)

Overall Rating: 8.04/10 (This is very comparable to Dom's and Brennan's and therefore deserves to be in the 8's.)

Price: $4.25, credit cards accepted.

AJ's Deli is located at 555 Shrewsbury Ave, Shrewsbury, NJ 07702. 

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