Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Sandwich Challenge: The Spinnato

I'm not going to lie, I have absolutely no idea what The Spinnato relates to so there isn't going to be a background story for this one.  A quick Google search on the subject brought up a review of Antico Caffe Spinnato in Palermo and Comedian-Hypnotist Jim Spinnato.  Since I'm not too familiar with either, I'm going to assume this sandwich is named after someone they know who loves these three ingredients on a sandwich.  Whoever you are, Spinnato, you have good taste.  The star of the show here is the basil pesto, which brings a freshness I definitely needed after two straight weeks of fairly greasy sandwiches.  This is a spring sandwich for sure and I'm not just saying that because the sun is shining and the sea water of the river is being perfectly blown into my windows right now.  Mozzarella elevates any situation, and salami is just the type of meat to get the mozz bump. (I'm trademarking that.) 

The Spinnato: Genoa Salami, Mozzarella, Basil Pesto

Speaking of Spring, in my former life, this would be the time all of the roads would get even more congested than usual by tourists looking to hit the cherry blossoms on the Tidal Basin.  It is a pretty amazing sight to see all of the cherry blossoms along the water with the monuments in the background. (Rare DC compliment alert!).  But if you absolutely hate crowds or don't want to drive to DC, did you know that Branch Brook Park in New Jersey has the largest collection of cherry blossom trees in the United States?  There are over 5,000 trees and a Cherry Blossom Festival that's currently running until Sunday.  I just gave you a solid date idea for this weekend, you're welcome.  (Taking someone to Newark, NJ also shows your edge.)

Rating: 7.7/10    

And if you have no idea what the hell I'm talking about here's a picture I took outside my apartment of a cherry blossom tree.  

Photographic evidence of Cherry Blossoms in NJ 

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