Thursday, May 2, 2019

Day Game Dogs: G&G Hot Dogs

Welcome back to another edition of Day Game Dogs! Last night, the Mets lost yet again on a 9th inning home run to the lowly Cincinnati Reds.  Not great! Today, they finish off a 4 game series with a day game against the Reds and new rival Jessie Winker.  If Syndergaard pitches terribly again I'm sending Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake up to Queens to cut his hair, it's our only option.  

This afternoon's day game dog comes from a hot dog truck that's been in the same spot for at least 50 years.  G&G's longtime owner, Gus, retired and handed over the keys to his son-in-law who is continuing the legacy of boiled Sabrett dogs serving the greater Red Bank area.  You've most likely passed this truck while crossing the railroad tracks near The Galleria but you've made a grave mistake if you haven't stopped for a dog.  No frills here, you either want a hot dog or Italian sausage with onions, relish, sauerkraut, and chili (or you can do what I did and got all of the above plus mustard).  It's cash only ($2.50 for everything on it), and the line is usually 4 to 5 deep at all times which is how you know its the real deal.  The recipe for everything has stayed the same so if you've had these hot dogs years ago, you'll be thrilled to relive them again today. I'll leave you with their motto on the side of the truck "Try it, you'll like it."  #LGM 


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