Monday, May 6, 2019

PEC Challenge: Bloomin Bagels

I had the pleasure of visiting my sister in lovely Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania this weekend.  Right off famed trucking route I-80 (the interstate runs from NY to San Francisco), this little mountain town boasts deals such as $1 vodka drinks every Friday night (including vodka red bulls!), and exactly one Uber driver to get you to the bar that serves them.  What I wasn't expecting from this former iron-mining town (they are the only actual incorporated town in the state of Pennsylvania) was not one but two locations for a pork roll, egg, and cheese.  As the only place to get bagels in town, Bloomin Bagel does pretty good business especially with a population of students from the Tri-State area. Before we get into how they did, let's talk about some Game of Thrones.

-Prepare yourselves for the "Mad Queen." After losing another dragon and her best friend (Missande), expect Khalessi to really lose it next week.  How in the world did she not see the huge Greyjoy fleet when she was in the air, I will never know.  Yet another example of the showrunners never playing a turn-based military strategy PC game ever in their lives.

-Especially since Jon Snow's stock is rising and she knows it.  The opening speech in last night's episode was Kingly AF. AND thanks to his big honorable mouth pretty much everyone knows he's a Targaryen now.

-Everyone that lost their virginity this season did so on a one night stand and the writers want you to know it. Arya placed Gendry directly in the friend zone after their jaunt, and Jamie gave Brienne the old "be an asshole so you don't follow me to kill my sister" trick to keep her from getting clingy. 

-They are definitely setting up an interesting conclusion in the next two episodes.  For a show that has historically excelled in the final episodes of seasons, I have no doubt Game of Thrones finishes strong.  

Bread Rating: 4.8/10 (This was apparently a bagel, bless their hearts.)

Pork Roll Rating: 6.2/10 (Two slices, kind of expected when importing pork roll out of state.  Also, it seems every out of state deli uses the same pork roll brand.)

Egg Rating: 5.2/10 (You'd figure being in PA that you would get really fresh eggs that are cooked to perfection. WRONG. )

Cheese Rating: 8.4/10 (The use of white American cheese was veteran and made the save on this sandwich.)

Sandwich Composition Rating: 6.6/10 (The SPK ratio was good, could have used one or two more pieces of pork roll, looked a little sad.)

Overall Rating: 6.1/10 (Look, if you're from NJ; Bloomsburg, PA is one of the LAST places you'd think to find a pork roll, egg and cheese so good on them for even thinking about serving them.) 

Price: $4, credit accepted

Bloomin Bagels II is located at 599 E. 7th St. Bloomsburg, PA 17815.  The original location is located at 65 E. Main St, Bloomsburg, PA 17815.

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