Thursday, May 23, 2019

National Pork Roll Day Special! Johnny's Pulled Pork Roll

Happy National Pork Roll Day! I'll be honest, I was never aware of this day's existence.  It might strike people as strange that a "national" day would be devoted to a breakfast meat you can effectively only find in New Jersey.  But we are here to spread the good word of pork roll and it's place as the superior breakfast meat.  As local legend would have it, pork roll has existed in New Jersey since the Revolutionary War, as the cured meat was easy to transport and cook for the soldiers of the Continental Army.  Pork roll as it's known today was officially introduced by John Taylor 80 years later in 1856 when his secret recipe of cured pork product was mass produced and packed in, you guessed it, a cylindrical cotton bag.  Here's where things get testy for New Jerseyians so stay with me.  In 1870, George Washington Case created his recipe and brand of pork roll.  Taylor's version, Original Taylor Pork Roll, was then referred to as Taylor Ham (what North Jerseyians, like my mom, still call pork roll).  Don't worry the Government, in its infinite wisdom, will surely clear this up!  Since Pork Roll is not technically ham according to the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906, Taylor was forced to change the name of his product from Taylor's Prepared Ham to Pork Roll.  However, since there were other manufacturers of Pork Roll, Taylor was unable to trademark the name for himself in 1910.  Therefore, all Taylor Ham is Pork Roll BUT not all Pork Roll is Taylor Ham.  Make sense? Perfect.  No matter what you call it, there's no denying it's importance in New Jersey culture and history.  I'll never forget the first time I had a pork roll sandwich and every time I eat one I'm reminded of all the good times I've had growing up here.  (I mean it should be obvious if you've been reading this blog since January how much I fucking love pork roll.) 

I couldn't think of a better place to celebrate today's holiday than to get a pork roll sandwich from one of NJ's best Pork Roll purveyor's, Johnny Pork Roll.  I've already written about how awesome Johnny's storefront location is and in almost half a year of doing this haven't found a place to supplant him from the PEC throne.  Since Memorial Day Weekend is set to begin tomorrow (!!!), and with it the unofficial start of the summer, I decided to go with the Pulled Pork Roll Sandwich today.  On this one, we get pork roll (duh) accompanied by cheddar, sweet BBQ sauce, and sweet slaw.  I can just see my Southern friends rolling their eyes right now. Well, friends, this sandwich was delicious and sure there wasn't any pulled pork on it, but honestly, I didn't even miss it. Who says pork roll can only be breakfast meat?  Today, we are breaking down barriers and declaring pork roll as acceptable for any time of the day! So don't be shy if you sleep in this weekend, hit up Johnny's and let one of his many pork roll sandwich variations get you back on that horse.  

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