Monday, May 13, 2019

PEC Challenge: Valdetano's Shack

Last night's penultimate (ultimate time we'll use that word) Game of Thrones episode may have surprised and confused a lot of people.  Sure, things may feel rushed the last two seasons as the writers quickly wrap up a sprawling story as conveniently as possible, but the truth is Daenerys "Stormborn" Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Protector of the Realm, Lady Regent of the Seven Kingdoms, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons, has been on this path since the beginning of the show.  Let's look back at when she ate the heart of a horse and had her brother brutally murdered by her husband, or when she threatened a city of merchants (Qarth) with fire and blood if they didn't give her ships, or when she had the elites of Meereen crucified (they were complicit in slavery so we should feel good about this), or when she threatened to burn cities to the ground almost every scene in the first five seasons.  The fact is, without the council of her advisors throughout the years, she has made pretty violent decisions on her own.  Now, with no trusted advisors left to reel her in, she broke (or fulfilled her destiny), and basically nuked an entire city. Remember, we have seen some of these shots before in Bran's visions as well as when the warlocks of Qarth sent Dany on a vision quest in Season 2.   Here are the rest of my takeaways from the episode, which I thought was awesome:

-How about a little danger close warnings on that dragon execution, Dany? Everyone was basically 5 feet away from Varys when "Operation Dracarys" was executed, might want to give people some time to take a step back.

-Does Jon Snow lifting his incest #sexstrike on Khaleesi save Kings Landing? These are questions we may never know the answer to. 

-How absolutely useless was the Golden Company? LOL

-Jamie and Cersei going out like that was the only glaring weak point of the episode for me, though the fact that Danerys basically fulfilled her fathers dying wish and killed Jamie in the destruction is a little poetic. And although I really wanted to see a Stark take out Cersei in a terrible way, you almost feel bad for her in a way.  

-Shoutout Miguel Sapochnik who's directed some of the coolest shots I have seen in Game of Thrones, from Drogon destroying all of Kings Landing's defenses, the very hype #CleganeBowl, and the final shot of Arya finding that horse in the midst of that rubble (I think Bran might have warged that horse there for her).  

-It all comes to an end next week and it's obvious that Jon Snow has no choice now but to kill Daenerys and rule over whatever remains of the Seven Kingdoms.  

When I was a kid, Valdetano's Shack was a Slater's Deli.  Following a few hard fought games of foam ball ™, we would venture through the possibly haunted, definitely poison ivy infested "woods" that led from our neighborhood to the back of the deli for subs and Vitamin Water.  Now, the deli has been converted into more of a cafe, with additional menu items that include, tacos, burritos and many other traditional Mexican dishes.  I really, really liked the vibe in there and they absolutely crushed it with their Pork Roll, Egg, and Cheese.  I'll likely be back to try the pork roll, egg, and cheese with chorizo that was on the menu but for now...

Bread Rating: 8.4/10 (A soft yet slightly toasted potato roll)

Pork Roll Rating: 9.1/10 (Double layered with four slices, griddle game on point)

Egg Rating: 8.8/10 (Absolutely crushed it with the two fried eggs)

Cheese Rating: 7.6/10 (Melted yellow American and a lot of it)

Sandwich Composition: 9.1/10 (Idyllic SPK ratio, a double layered sandwich that was big but didn't make you feel disgusting after eating it. I LOVED this sandwich)

Overall Rating: 8.6/10

Price: $4.50, cards accepted 

Valdetano's Shack is located at 379 NJ-35, Red Bank (Middletown), NJ 07701

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