Tuesday, May 21, 2019

PEC Challenge: Fredy Jeremy's

It's taken me a couple of days to process the completion of Game of Thrones.  When the series started, I was living in a mouse-infested, questionably run house in Northeast D.C. (RIP, The Dougie).  And since then I have never watched two seasons living in the same place.  From Alexandria highrises to townhomes in Arlington, Game of Thrones has been a part of my entire "adult*" life. (*LOL who are we kidding, I'm not an adult.)  Ever since episode 4 ended with several River Knights holding Tyrion Lannister at swordpoint at the request of Catelyn Stark, I was hooked.  The political intrigue, the medieval story, the cinematography, and the MUSIC. We may never see a series captivate such an audience again (until the inevitable spinoffs disappoint the internet.) And that's just the problem with popular cultural events, isn't it?  "You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain." I'll always love Game of Thrones despite the clearly rushed conclusion and upon rewatching the series finale, I don't think it was nearly as bad as everyone made it out to be on the internet. Aside from the memes (which have been amazing), I'll save the discussion about the negative effects of the internet and social media on culture and politics for another time and place (this is a food blog, FFS).  Here are my takeaways for the FINAL EPISODE Game of Thrones, long may you reign: 

-A little strange that Jamie and Cersei weren't more crushed by that entire stone beam falling on them, I might have just opted to show the golden hand in that scene and left the rest out.  Still, Peter Dinklage (Tyrion) makes it more emotional a scene than it ever should have been.  He's the acting MVP of the series for sure. (I would also like to point out Peter Dinklage is from New Jersey but this had no effect on my MVP vote at all.)

-Every monologue from Dany's Valyrian speech of future conquests, to Tyrion speaking on governing people with Jon while imprisoned, and back to Dany's plea of a new world to Jon Snow before being murdered, were excellently written and thought-provoking. But now that everyone is an online expert on politics I'm sure you all caught and understood everything there so that's all I'll say about it.  

-Is anyone going to point out the fact that Robyn Aryn became the Neville Longbottom of Westeros by winning best makeover? This season has been low-key sponsored by "Got Milk?" and the Dairy Farmers of America.

-Everyone keeps asking, "If Bran could see into the future, why didn't he do anything to stop Drogon from destroying Kings Landing?" Well, I ask you, do you know how hard it is to renovate ancient buildings to become ADA-approved?  Who's supposed to carry him up all the stairs in the Tower of the Hand now that Hodor is long gone? Dude needed the place leveled so he can put elevators and ramps in, so stop being so insensitive. 

-If history serves true, Arya will find a new world, slaughter majority of the indigenous population, take their faces and get Westeros addicted to sugar and tobacco.  

-OR...she's just sailing to the undying lands like Frodo and the Elves of Middle Earth at the end of Lord of the Rings. (Nerd alert).

-I know a lot of people are upset about what happened to Jon Snow. Why was it such a big deal/secret that he was a Targaryen if he was just going to end up back in the north? But in a way, this fits his purpose of being reborn. He wasn't brought back to rule from the Iron Throne, he was brought back to help the wildling resettlement.  He could never rule in the seven kingdoms as a Queenslayer.  

-Speaking of "the Prince that was Promised" prophecies and all of the other fantasy aspects of the show that were blatantly omitted.  It's maddeningly obvious that HBO directed D&D to leave a lot of this out and left open for exploration through their spinoffs.  Because once something becomes as popular as Game of Thrones it becomes a brand and why tell a good story when you're making money hand over fist. Maybe if George R.R. Martin wouldn't have delayed his book releases until after the show so he could make the appropriate changes to them after the final season aired and make even more money on book sales, we wouldn't be in this mess.  


Fredy Jeremy's isn't known for their pork roll, egg and cheese sandwiches.  They do, however, have excellent pupusas and many other El Salvadorian lunch dishes.  So how did they stack up? 

Bread Rating: 7.6/10 (A toasted Spanish roll that got a little heavy at the end.  Still very good)

Pork Roll Rating: 7.8/10 (Three slices with a SURPRISE slice beneath the eggs and cheese, always great to find one of those.) 

Egg Rating: 8.8/10 (Two huge fried eggs, expertly cooked.)

Cheese Rating: 7.6/10 (A lot of melted American)

Sandwich Composition: 8.7/10 (With the surprise pork roll slice, uniqueness of the bread and prevalence of egg, this sandwich was held together perfectly.)

Overall Rating: 8.1/10 (I'm really glad I'm finding these places I would never think to go to for a PEC.  If you ever find yourself getting your car washed at Butch's, make sure you check this place out right next door. And if you've never had pupusas, check it out.)

Price: $5, cards accepted with a $10 minimum.

Fredy Jeremy's is located at 168 Newman Springs Rd, Red Bank, NJ 07701

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