Wednesday, September 18, 2019

PEC Challenge: Gambler Ridge Golf Course

Monday was a fantastic day out on the links (shoutout Donna, Ted, and Chris for putting on another great outing).  If you have no idea what I'm talking about check out last week's post about the New Yorker.  Everyone knows in order to have a good round of golf you need to start your day off with a balanced breakfast.  At this point, you should all know what I consider a balanced breakfast. (ketchup counts as a vegetable!) I heard rumors of a pork roll, egg, and cheese available at the bar at the course.  Naturally, I recruited two of my most loyal readers, Dr. Johnny Mac and Jorge, to do a live review with me before we began our round of best ball golf and White Claw shotgunning.  Speaking of shotgunning, I'd say that's been my biggest alcohol-related skill that's declined (drastically) since turning 30, so for all of you frat-bros out there, enjoy your 2-second shotguns while you can.  What I did gain from eating a PEC before golf is the ability to drive the ball further than my warning track power, Rey Ordonez-Esque swing has ever been able to drive it (humble brag). You win some, you lose some.  Let's dive into this pork roll.

Bread Rating: 6.2/10 (The bread was simply too big for this sandwich.  It can really take away from the sandwich when you take a bite of just bread, and this is coming from someone who used to exclusively eat dinner rolls at family parties when I was seven years old.) 

Pork Roll Rating: 8.7/10 (I know it's hard to tell because there's so much bread but the pork roll was plentiful on this sandwich.  It was also cut and fried up near perfectly.  Compliments to the griddle handler at Gambler Ridge.) 

A complete aside here but I just have to give it up to the kitchen or whoever handles the griddle/fryer at Gambler Ridge.  I think I might have had the greatest chicken fingers I've ever had as my post-round meal.  

Egg Rating: 7.6/10 (Really liked how this egg was seasoned and fried but I think you've heard enough compliments towards that.)

Cheese Rating: 6.6/10 (Just a regular-ass Kraft single that was kind of melted.  I get it, you can only use what you have.)

Sandwich Composition: 6.8/10 (The bread was big and the contents moved around as a consequence.  Tighten up the bread situation and this could be higher.)

Overall: 7.2/10 (It was a solid PEC, you could really get yourself in a regrettable microwave situation at some golf courses that would make you weep.  This place has a legit kitchen so you won't be disappointed.  Also, if you watch the video below, you'll notice I called it a 7.2 on the spot before I crunched all the numbers.  Not sure what that says about my very scientific method of rating, but what I'm saying is it's legit.  

Gambler Ridge Golf Course is located at 121 Burlington Path Rd, Cream Ridge, NJ 08514

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