Friday, September 13, 2019

Sandwich Challenge: New Yorker

Honestly, I wasn't sure when to make this post, if at all. September 11th is such an emotional day for so many and writing about sandwiches this week seemed kind of silly to me. Growing up in New Jersey, it was impossible to not know someone affected.  In 2001, I had just entered 7th grade at Bayshore Middle School.  The only worry I had going to school that morning was how I (a tiny kid with braces) was going to say hi to a girl I liked.  Around first-period, rumors began to swirl as classmates were slowly being called down to the office to go home.  Almost everyone in school had a family member who worked in the city and now the teachers had the unenviable job of keeping the few students remaining in school calm as the terrifying events of the day occurred 26 miles across the bay.  It's tough to comprehend something like this happening as a 12-year-old,  but as of this year, there are now adults who weren't even born when it happened and it's important that they never forget.  Never forget the victims, the heroes, and the thousands of families who are still affected to this day.  

On Monday, my friends and I are participating in a golf outing put together by our friend, Donna Spera.  Donna was on the 78th floor of the South Tower when the building was attacked.  Though badly burned, she made it to the stairwell with the help of Welles Crowther and was able to escape.  Her story is incredibly inspiring and it's been an honor to get to know her in the last few years.  The proceeds of this outing will be going to the Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation.  Stephen Siller is a hero you should all know about.  On September 11th, Stephen had just finished his shift with Brooklyn's Squad 1 and was on his way to play golf with his brothers when the attack occurred.  Upon hearing the news, he returned to the firehouse to get his gear and drive into Manhattan.  The Brooklyn Battery Tunnel was closed when he arrived but that wasn't going to stop him from carrying out his duty.  He took his gear and ran on foot through the tunnel where he gave his life saving others.  

These are stories that can never be forgotten.  Stories of survival and sacrifice.  Ones that inspire all of us to be better than we were yesterday and to continue to spread these values to others. If you'd like to donate or participate in one of the many events put on by the Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation you can click here

Feels pretty dumb to write about a sandwich right now so I'll leave you with this picture of the New Yorker. 

New Yorker: Prosciutto, Salami, Mortadella, Provolone, Roasted Peppers

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