Wednesday, March 4, 2020

PEC Challenge: Ocean Alley Deli

Let's talk about martial arts.  I, like many other boys aged 7 (I think?), made the decision to take Karate.  Why Karate? A myriad of reasons that included: a) an early affinity for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; b) a pair of nunchucks given to me by my Bruce Lee loving father; and c) my friend Drizzy performing wood breaking techniques at block parties and I wanted to be able to do that too. But really, I (a tiny child) just wanted to know how to beat people up.  Turns out, this isn't exactly the mentality they are looking for when teaching young boys how to turn their hands into weapons.  When you first start, all they want you to do is stretch and meditate.  Be mindful of what you are doing and learn to be disciplined (Just laughed aloud at the thought of me being disciplined) in all aspects of life.  This shouldn't come as a surprise to most of you but I was SO bored.  I just wanted to flip over shit like a ninja and roundhouse kick people in the face.  I never got past white belt, which is probably for the best because I would have undoubtedly become the Johnny Lawrence of my school. (Instead, Drizzy was Johnny Lawrence, and I, still a tiny child, was one of the little Cobra Kai henchmen in the background talking a ton of shit. Whatever, we can laugh about it now.) Why am I telling you this? Because Ocean Alley Deli is in the same little strip of shops on Palmer Ave as my dojo(?), Amato's.  I don't think Ocean Alley Deli was there in 1997 so this will be my first time here.  They were incredibly friendly inside and they also offer sandwiches and Mexican dishes.  Typically, I've found these places make pretty good PEC's so let's see how they did. 

Bread Rating: 7.1/10 (A very soft roll that was light but didn't fall apart when eating it, probably because the rest was pretty dry.)

Pork Roll Rating: 5.4/10 (Pretty dry and pretty chewy, this pork roll had the consistency closer to well-done bacon.  It was a weird experience.)

Egg Rating: 6.4/10 (Typical fried egg, nothing to see here.)

Cheese Rating: 6.5/10 (Slice of Yellow American on top of the egg, with moderate melt.)

Composition Rating: 6.9/10 (Everything stayed together nicely and there was light SPK application.  This was just a pretty dry breakfast sandwich if we're being honest.  Pork roll on top, cheese, and egg on the bottom. Ho hum.)

Overall: 6.5/10 (Hate to do it to them because they were SO nice in there and the place looks like its meticulously cleaned.  Maybe the Mexican food they serve there is better?  This was an about average PEC but the chewiness of the pork roll really threw me off and it will probably throw you off, too.)

Price: $5, cash or credit

Ocean Alley Deli is located at 623 Palmer Ave, Hazlet, NJ 07734

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