Thursday, March 5, 2020

Taliercio's Challenge: Honey Club

The ham and swiss sandwich was my Grandpa's favorite sandwich (with a pickle on the side, of course).  So today, on his birthday, we're going to pay tribute to my first best friend and have a ham and swiss (with a few other things on it).  Before moving to the Jersey Shore, I lived above my grandparents in a multi-family home in Hudson County.  Which was awesome because I got to hang out with Grandpa all day.  We would get into all sorts of adventures, taking trips out to his plane (yes, he owned a plane and he even let me, at age 7, "fly" it), to the local hobby shops (he had an incredible train display that would be set up in the basement during Christmas to go along with the dozens of WW2 model planes), getting Rippers from Rutt's Hut (basically a deep-fried hot dog), or just sitting at home playing computer games.  You heard that right, my Grandpa was an OG computer gamer. Our favorites were Sim City (which he somehow hacked to get unavailable buildings), every single Flight Simulator Microsoft made, and Doom.  Was I too young and terrified to play Doom? Yes.  Did he let me play anyway?  Also, yes. We were just two kids enjoying life.  I could only imagine what he would think now that I'm using the power of the internet to go down endless rabbit holes on Wikipedia (we would spend HOURS looking up random things on the Brittanica Encyclopedia that you needed to load by CD-ROM, haha remember those) and write about sandwiches but I hope he'd get a kick out of it.  Anyway, here's a ham and swiss for you, Grandpa, happy birthday.  

Honey Club: Honey Ham, Turkey, Swiss, Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato, Mayo

This was a huge sandwich, it took two bites to get all of the layers in my mouth.  Think it's too much? Complain to the Union Club of New York, who is credited for creating the Club sandwich in 1889.  Traditionally, a Club sandwich is poultry, ham, bacon with lettuce tomato and mayo and I've gotta say it doesn't get much more American than that.  Seriously, can you think of anything more "American" than the imagery of lettuce and tomato at the top of a sandwich slathered in mayo? I guess we can thank McDonald's for that.  Simply put, this sandwich was a classic.  A go-to that will never let you down.  A model of absolute consistency.  Did I need this mountain of cured meat during the first week of "Beach Season?" No. But according to my fitness tracker, I've been burning calories like a fucking furnace and my doctor declared me healthy last week so whatever. (Also, if you didn't hear, I declared winter dead on Saturday and got my ass back in the gym this week.) But seriously, I think I might have to walk this one off.  

Overall: 7.8/10

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