Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Taliercio's Challenge: Tony Montana

Last week, I overcame my fears of blue cheese with the Blazing Buffalo. Maybe I was turning over a new leaf? Blue cheese isn't that bad.  Well, now I know exactly how Elvira Hancock (played by Michelle Pfeiffer) felt when she married Tony Montana.  Maybe this drug dealer will be better than the other drug dealer I was with because he pays attention to me.  WRONG, so wrong.  If you've been living under a rock, Tony Montana is the main character in the 1983 movie, Scarface. In this movie, Al Pacino plays a Cuban immigrant (with a pretty hilariously poor accent), who rises through the ranks of a Miami drug cartel mainly through murder.  Along the way, he marries his boss's (who he murders) girlfriend, Elvira and the viewers are swept away in a two year 80's style montage (set to Paul Engemann's Push It To The Limit, amazing song) of the two enjoying their lives as the drug money begins to pile up.  But as the classic marriage story of a greedy coked-up husband and a vain coked-cup wife goes, they grow apart, and in an infamous dinner scene where Tony starts yelling at patrons to blame "the bad guy," they break up for good.  High off power (and a lot of cocaine), Tony makes his move on his Columbian supplier who sends an entire army to his house to kill him.  Incredibly, through the power of a mountain of cocaine, Tony survives multiple gunshot wounds before taking a shotgun in the back and dying in his gaudy indoor fountain.  It's outrageous in every way a Brian Di Palma film can be in 1983 and has become a cult classic amongst those who love "rags to riches gangster" movies.  

Tony Montana: Roast Beef, Bleu Cheese Crumbles, Baby Arugula, Hot Cherry Peppers, Horseradish 

I wanted to like this.  No, I wanted to love this sandwich.  The roast beef and horseradish combo is all time for me.  Throw in the hot peppers and you have my mouth singing with spiciness.  But there's one thing this pallet cannot overcome and that's Bleu Cheese.  I always think "maybe today's the day I'll grow up and get over Bleu Cheese." Well, today's not that day and to be honest, that day may never come. Last week came as close as it's going to get with the blue cheese dressing.  Fine, subtle hints of the blue cheese I can live with.  But the Bleu cheese crumbles spread out on the bread like a thick moldy mayo is just disgusting to me.  It makes me want to throw up.  Maybe the only food I've ever come across that I can say that about.  And although people have asked me if my Cuban-American experience was the same as Tony Montana's (it's been pretty much the complete opposite, so far), this isn't the sandwich for me.

Overall Rating: 2.4/10  

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