Friday, June 12, 2020

Taliercio's Challenge: Blazing Buffalo

Why do people always have to ruin a good time? I'm not talking about the late afternoon emails I'm inevitably going to get every Friday (rude AF) while I'm trying to boost my vitamin D (good against Coronavirus).  No, I'm talking about the insistence of adding Bleu Cheese to anything Buffalo.  Buffalo chicken is arguably one of my favorite food groups but I have been haunted by this upcoming sandwich from the minute I started this challenge.  Bleu. Cheese.  Dressing.  I don't know about you but bleu cheese tastes like paint to me, and nothing will ruin a good time in my mouth faster than bleu cheese crumbles in a wrap or sandwich.  So where did this cheese come from and why is it so popular? I put on my investigative journalism hat (Wikipedia) to find out.  Bleu cheese is believed to have been discovered by accident (no shit) when cheeses were stored in natural temperatures and moisture-controlled caves favorable for many varieties of mold.  According to legend, a young boy eating bread and cheese abandoned his meal in a nearby cave after seeing a beautiful girl in the distance.  When he returned months later, the mold had transformed his cheese into what is now known as Roquefort proving yet again that a distracting girl could be the most dangerous entity on the planet.  We've been stuck with bleu cheese ever since (around 879 AD, by the way, a really long time ago).  Good thing I'm eating this on a Friday, because the smell of bleu cheese is known to linger so I will definitely be airing out my office over the weekend.  Glad you asked about the distinct smell because its due to both the mold (Penicillium) and the types of bacteria encouraged to grow on the cheese, for example, the bacterium Brevibacterium linens is responsible for smells such as foot odor and other body odors.  Basically, what I'm saying is if you go out and enjoy Bleu cheese, good for you.  But you're disgusting and probably smell weird.  

Blazing Buffalo: Buffalo Chicken, Jalapeno Jack Cheese, Bleu Cheese Dressing

Thankfully for all parties involved the bleu cheese was more subtle than I anticipated when I got this sandwich.  Likely in part because it was diluted in the buffalo dressing that makes this sandwich a "blazing buffalo."  The jalapeno jack cheese gave a really nice kick to the mild buffalo chicken and as always ask for the sandwich HOT.  The melted cheese only enhances the flavors here (and helps even out the disgusting bleu cheese.)  Not much else to this sandwich, just a ton of shaved buffalo chicken with melted cheese and just a hint of the bleu cheese taste.  Another win for Taliercio's getting me to say positive things about Bleu Cheese, seriously what can't this deli do? 

Overall: 6.6/10 

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