Monday, June 15, 2020

PEC Challenge: Columbus Deli & Grille

Ventured outside Monmouth County this weekend for the first time in three months to neighboring Burlington County (basically another world) for a round of golf.  Since I don't often frequent the area, of course, I looked up a place for a pork roll before once again embarrassing myself on a golf course.  I was shocked to find the deli down the street from the course was closed (on a Sunday), so I had to find a new place in the land of zero cell phone coverage.  I found Columbus Deli in (you guessed it) Columbus, NJ in a quaint little Main Street that looked just about abandoned (not due to COVID).  It seems most of the people in the area flock to a substantially sized farmer's market down the road from the "downtown," as I saw hundreds of cars parked there.  Columbus Deli, however, was pretty quiet, inside what looked to be an old general store.  The shelves were pretty empty though and it seemed most people go in there for sandwiches.  

Bread Rating: 5.8/10 (The bread left a lot to be desired, but judging from the shelves in the "general store" portion it looked like supplies were pretty dwindled.)

Pork Roll Rating: 6.6/10 (Two slices with some good snap on them.  Taylor brand from the looks of it.  Thin sliced.)

Egg Rating: 5.6/10 (Pretty bland egg if we're being honest.  Pretty disappointing given the huge farmers market down the street.)

Cheese Rating: 7.1/10 (At least there was some fresh white American cheese on this sandwich, but it was barely visible.)

Sandwich Composition: 5.8/10 (No SPK, pretty bready sandwich, and bland.)

Overall: 6.1/10 (A below-average sandwich.)

Price: $4.50

Columbus Deli & Grille is located at 266 Atlantic Ave, Columbus, NJ 08022

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