Tuesday, June 23, 2020

PEC Challenge: Shore Deli & Grill

Life is finally returning slowly to the Jersey Shore.  This weekend was the first to allow outdoor dining and outdoor bars to return, and I'd say the experiment was wildly successful, at least in Red Bank.  Dining plazas and string lights took over Broad Street as everyone wondered why we didn't always do it this way.  Hopefully, this practice will continue because it's pretty awesome.  Anyway, I took a ride to Bradley Beach this morning to check out Shore Deli & Grill.  It's right on Main Street about 5 blocks from the beach in a little plaza with a convenience store.  Some may say it looked a little "run down," I'd call it "seasoned." There's a great bar across the street, D'Arcy's Tavern, and what appears to be new condos going up on the corner so a renovation might be coming for this convenience plaza.  The pork roll sandwich wasn't terrible though and with its proximity to the beach could be a good stop before braving the shore parking nightmare in Bradley Beach. 

Bread Rating: 6.2/10 (A hard roll that was kind of soggy from the ketchup, seemed kind of like a convenience store roll, you know the type. 

Pork Roll Rating: 7.4/10 (Three slices, all cut towards the thin side, with the perfect amount of heat on them.)

Egg Rating: 7.1/10 (A very cheesy egg situation here but in a good way.  The salt and pepper application to this one was superb.)

Cheese Rating: 7.3/10 (Very liberal application of cheese on this sandwich and that's not necessarily a bad thing!)

Sandwich Composition: 6.3/10 (The salt and pepper ratio was right on but with all that ketchup and cheese there comes a price, and the price is sliding meats.)

Overall: 6.9/10 (This was not a bad PEC and you can only do what you can with what you have.  But I'd say if you're in Bradley Beach and are stopping for a pork roll before miserably looking for parking, check this place out.)

Price: $4.50

Shore Deli & Grill is located at 123 Main St, Bradley Beach, NJ 07720

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