Wednesday, June 10, 2020

PEC Challenge: Krib's Bagel Bazaar

I walked into quite the scene when I arrived at Krib's Bagel Bazaar this morning.  As I got out of my car a man stomped out of the store in a fit of rage, with two guys sitting near the door getting up shortly thereafter saying they were "done with the place."  Not. A. Great. Sign.  Luckily, I'm not 100 years old and I used the DoorDash (Gold Member speaking here) app to order ahead so I didn't exactly have a similar experience these olds had when they called in their order on the phone.  Not sure what you expect from a bagel shop when it's the only place open in the morning and literally every single person in NJ is at home instead of commuting to the city, but I digress.  I will not make further comments on the attitudes of Hazlet, NJ's finest residents (made famous by Jersey Shore's Sammi Sweetheart).  

Bread Rating: 5.8/10 (The bagels were a little weird to me.  Soft and doughy, almost like the chain Einstein bagels.  I'm not sure they make their own bagels here despite the name being bagel bazaar.  Strange.)

Pork Roll Rating: 6.5/10 (Two thin slices beneath a behemoth pile of scrambled eggs.  The flavor was pretty good, though the meat ratio was a bit off, which leads me to.)

Egg Rating: 6.8/10 (Generally, scrambled eggs on a breakfast sandwich is a non-starter, but these were mixed in so well with the cheese that I couldn't deduct that many points off it.  The did take up most of the sandwich.)

Cheese Rating: 6.8/10 (Since the cheese and the eggs were so married in this sandwich they're going to get the same score.  Real cheese mixed in with the eggs is a win, and not normally done.)

Sandwich Composition: 6.2/10 (Though I appreciated the egg and cheese mix, this was a little egg-centric and without SPK.  It's not a bad sandwich but also not one I'd go out of my way to get.)

Overall: 6.4/10 

Price: $5

Krib's Bagel Bazaar is located in Airport Plaza, 1352 NJ-36, Hazlet, NJ 07730.

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