Wednesday, November 20, 2019

PEC Challenge: Bethesda Bagels

Greetings from Northern Virginia! I'm back in my old stomping grounds this week for some meetings and to catch up with some co-workers (gossiping).  When I lived here, Bethesda Bagels was one of the only acceptable places for picking up a hangover bagel.  Since none were in my immediate area, I would only be able to get there on weekends (because traffic here is bad and I hate every single driver on the road here).  I know you might be thinking I'm coming into this with a bad attitude and you're only partially right.  The DC area has a ton of amazing food options, with transplants from all over the world, the food scene is incredibly diverse and vibrant.  Unfortunately, they need work in all of the areas New Jersey excels in (bagels, breakfast, delis, pizza).  Now that I have refound some perspective on breakfast sandwiches (going to Bethesda Bagels used to seem like an absolute treat), I'm interested to see where Bethesda Bagels lines up with NJ (and Boston. And North Carolina. And Pennsylvania) PEC's.  Are Bethesda Bagels the real deal or just a Mermaid Effect illusion? 

Bread Rating: 7.2/10 (The bagels here are pretty decent and likely some of the best bagels you can find in the DMV, though competition for the top spot is expectedly light.)

Pork Roll Rating: 7.6/10 (Pork roll in DC is exciting! Especially for the thousands of NJ transplants in the area.  The pork roll here is sliced thin and piled like its bologna, totally disrespectful.)

Egg Rating: 5.8/10 (The egg was pretty flavorless if we're being honest.  Also, they give about five different egg options for your breakfast sandwich which sounds nice but really is a rookie mistake.  Fried egg only.)

Cheese Rating: 4.4/10 (Kraft single that was barely melted.  Here's rookie mistake 2.  No tin foil around the sandwich.  It made for a soggy mess which we will cover next.)

Sandwich Composition: 3.8/10 (Breakfast isn't really the well-known meal in DC and it shows.  This breakfast sandwich was an absolute mess.  Slathered in ketchup and soggy.)

Overall: 5.7/10 (Sadly, one of the only spots to get a breakfast sandwich with a decent bagel.  Your other options? Panera, Brugger Bagels and Dunkin Donuts.)

Price: $5.75, credit card accepted and they will uber eat deliver to you but since they don't wrap in tin foil please don't do that to yourself.

Bethesda Bagels has multiple locations, the one I went to was 1851 N Moore St, Arlington, VA 22203

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