Monday, March 25, 2019

Sandwich Challenge: The Dean Martin

"Frank had the voice, Sammy had the talent, but Dean brought the cool."  I'm not sure who said that quote but I saw it in big bold letters while staying at the Hard Rock and knew I had to have a Rat Pack tribute month on the blog. Born Dino Crocetti, Dean Martin (name changed to sound more "American") was known as the King of Cool, as his relaxed voice earned him dozens of hit singles.  In 1958, he took over hosting the Golden Globes along with Sinatra and Davis Jr after the members of the foreign press (who hosted every year) bored the entire audience. Members of the foreign press never hosted again.  He's won a Golden Globe (Best Actor-TV Series Musical or Comedy) for his variety series The Dean Martin Show, which aired 264 episodes between 1965-1974.  This eventually evolved into the Dean Martin Celebrity Roast, which aired for ten seasons until 1984.  He's headlined countless variety and comedy acts from Atlantic City to Las Vegas and has starred in 52 movies from 1946-1984.  We will likely never see a group with as many multi-faceted and talented individuals than The Rat Pack.  A group who entertained millions with overwhelming popularity and unflinchingly pushed social barriers while doing it.  Entertainers have a unique responsibility in their work to bring people together rather than set people apart, and it's important to remember those who came before and did just that.  Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk, now please allow me to judge this sandwich.   

Dean Martin: Roast Beef, American, Red Onion, Horseradish Pub Sauce

As you can probably tell from the picture, this panini was pretty greasy but what did you expect to happen when you hot press roast beef?  As seen before in the Peter Luger the roast beef at Taliercio's is phenomenal and when you add a horseradish-based sauce to the mix you are cooking with fire.   What set the Peter Lugar apart was the fresh mozzarella, and while this panini had yellow American, it was still very good.  I wouldn't recommend it as your everyday lunch but if you're looking for some grease in your life or are waking up in the afternoon after a long night of drinking (shoutout Dean Martin), this could be your play.  

Overall: 7.9/10

And now here's a Dino Crocetti classic you probably heard at least 1,000,000 times at your local pizzeria.

Bonus shoutout to my Mom who is undoubtedly disgusted at me for eating such an unhealthy lunch on her birthday.  Love you! 

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