Friday, October 25, 2019

PEC Challenge: Joyce's Subs and Pizza

Today I ventured into a part of town I frequented during high school years. (RIP Lincroft McDonalds).  Some may perceive Lincroft as the "Eagleton" of Middletown but I would never make such a comparison on this blog.  Last time I wrote about wealth perception among White Suburban America I landed myself in six-figure debt (thank you college). Pork Rolls have proven to be much cheaper to write about, in fact, it would take me 36,400 PEC's to reach the cost of my college education.  That's pretty fucking sick.  Anyway, I've always heard about Joyce's from friends from the Croft but I don't think I've ever been in there.  For some reason, there are three places to get breakfast or coffee in the strip as it shares a parking lot with Pat's Market and a Dunkin Donuts.  There was also a cigar shop that was open at 8am with multiple people in there smoking.  Retirement sounds lovely.  

Bread Rating: 8.1/10 (Poppyseed rolls are standard here and technically cheating but I'm not complaining.  It was a solid roll.)

Pork Roll Rating: 8.6/10 (Three slices, griddled to perfection.  There was a ton of flavor here that I really didn't expect when looking at it.)

Egg Rating: 8.4/10 (The egg had a hint of runniness which created an explosion of flavors in every bite.  The griddle here has to be one of the better-seasoned ones in the area.)

Cheese Rating: 6.8/10 (Can't really fault the cheese being kind of neglected here when you bring it with the pork roll and egg. An average American yellow slice on top of the egg.)

Sandwich Composition: 8.8/10 (A bit on the smaller side of PEC's but this one brought all of the flavors you come to expect.  Constructed well, with good SPK ratio.)

Overall: 8.2/10 (A Lincroft institution that won't steer you wrong. A bit small but packed with flavor, this should be on anyone's list who lives in the area.)

Price: $4, credit accepted.

Joyce's Subs and Pizza is located at 655 Newman Springs Rd, Lincroft, NJ 07738

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